Mind Channel Intro

Arranged 2023. Written 1990 on… Revised 24…

1 What are mind Channels?
… The best way to describe them is to give you a 5 minute exercise.
First be happy, then be sad. Do this 5 times in a row.
As you execute this you will feel sad is lower in face.
You will also get used to both areas so you have more control.
You are getting control of your mind.
**More next time!


2 What are mind Channels?
… Again regain the steps of last time
by being sad then happy 5 times.
Now as you get accustomed to these two areas of your mind,
lets explore further.
..Can you be happier in a little higher place. Yes or No?
..If so, can you be sadder in a lower place. Yes or No?

… Stretch your bounds and see how far you can go.
With this exercise you may feel that the low,
is not always sad. Why is this?
You may also feel that the happy is not always happier?
**More next time! – For now just explore.


Mind Channel section A.
… When you smile the energy comes out face.
Probably more through the eyes because that is where
the seeing awareness is, so a very familiar energy channel to you.
It can come out the upper face or the forehead area,
experiment with this and see how many places you can
make that smile energy come out.
… This is opening channels of slightly different levels
of your personality. You have many layers in mind
and the more of these that become aware,
the wider a range can be used in your expressions.
And also the easier and quicker you will find areas
within self that are negative (so to cleanse).
… As we cleanse the areas of mind, which will alter the personality,
we are making way for higher more purer energy.
A better life thus a happier life.
A more in tuned life with the total.
And we will understand the total as we become more in tune.


Mind Channel 2.
… Now as you have explored sad and happy places in mind,
lets look closer at these Mind Channels.
We will work with happy first. Go to your happy place in mind.
As you sit there for 5 minutes, putting happiness through
your mind channel, lets see if you move higher, as you focus
the happy energy through even stronger.
What you feel first with this exercise, is energy seems to
literally shine through the point of face, as you focus upon it.
This shining feeling is the cleansing process at work.
It alters the negative into positive light. – Explore further!

… Some mind areas have gathered negative energies,
which create blockages the more positive energy
cannot flow through.
As you practice putting positive energy
through your conscious areas, you start to move faster.
The next area of mind, which was subconscious,
then becomes conscious.
You also start to feel where these areas are in your Mind Levels.
When most areas are made positive,
by the practice of putting through 4 Basic Energies,
your vibration becomes bright enough and high enough,
to allow the Super-conscious through.
This is a mind area of self, but a higher more spiritual area.
(Found above the head)

——– 3

… Anyplace of the mind channels you do not skip-on-by with ease,
indicates a problem. Then as a computer, double click or focus
and area opens, or hover in hesitation and it opens
to the tainted vibe and energy.
Then you put antibiotic of positive in very same place,
and it will change each section to light,
and you will start to move again, auto.
… Thus if you keep aware for an hour or so,
you will watch yourself travel mind cycles,
and you also can plot your course
as you travel the many layers of self.
Make all positive and you will know enlightenment.


What are Mind Channels 4?
Now that you have felt the automatic moving forward as cleansing,
Go to the sad area of your mind channels.

… When you work with sad areas you need to be careful,
not to be Trapped within its influence.
Thus it is important to know happiness.
This is where you need non-emotional awareness, so to split in two.
So when you work with negative areas as in sadness,
you can stay free in higher awareness.
For this you need control through former learning.
*Before you continue with your day, make sure you are back
in your happy areas and positive flowing well.

So for this lesson,
When you find your sad place, don’t put more sadness there.
*Detach into non-emotional, then work to cleanse.
You continue putting happy through so happiness will alter the sad.
… Happiness when focused upon, brings more happiness and cleanses area.
Thus it is logical that, if you focus on the happiness when in sad areas,
it will alter area.
As you cleanse by shining with happiness, the sad area will change
to reflect happiness just as much as your happiest areas do.
This is cleansing of the Mind Channels.

… Now you are ready to cleanse all your cycles of Mind.
Where are they? you may ask.
… In mind Channel study there are charts to give you a boost into
the right directions. For now get used to the cleansing process.


Mind Channel 5.
… Now that you know the process of cleansing Mind Channels
you could go ahead and cleanse all your mind areas,
for the inner would take you for a ride. But if the ego
is not passive you will stop the natural cycling of the mind.
Thus to help, I have written in study form, the basic path
for each polarity in the cleansing of the Mind Levels.
This is why Polarity is important, especially if following this,
for each travels almost the opposite direction.
One lives out back of self and the other lives out front of self.

… Basically there are 4 levels within all 4 major mind areas.
Most people do not change into a higher major level
within a lifetime.
This is because they are trapped within the material levels.
Spiritual growth takes an ethereal level of awareness,
which is learned within the first few weeks of deeper Meditation.

Good Luck and Happy Trails. Thanks for listening. Lynne 24…



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