
Most recent at top page.

If you wish more or different advice, call Ann at 604-365-6579.
She is a busy person, so leave message. She will get back to you.
Tell her Lynne sent you.


… The K energy has to go through all levels. You will relive all levels and
all habits therein. Like Sex.
When you go through an area where you have had much sex,
Even if you do not wish it and wish to be more spiritual, You will relive
all habits and depending how strong the habit is, (which in Sex is usually strong),
you will relive it and struggle not to be gobbled up by it.
This is why sex has to be controlled, and to a point of not interested.
If not it will stop you and the habit of sex will become so strong it will take you over.
Like these people who will kill, just for a sexual entanglement with a stranger.
In their right mind they do not wish to do this, but habit is dangerous.
It takes you over, as you know if you over eat, etc. This is the so called devil.
Negative energy will rule you if you let it. Just keep feeding it, and watch.
… Temper is another, keep feeding it by blowing your top, and it gets stronger.
You create your life through the centuries. It is your doing. Correct it.
Do not become a maniac. (2023).


New Findings.

As in BP where I grew up spiritually, you reach up through higher minds.
But in FP you reach up more towards front head cause that is where
spiritual minds are.
When BP I reached up back and on up above head, no problem.
In that time, also the Kundalini was active and flowing in back.
Also at that time, I thought I was reaching up via mind channels.
(getting highs, high in mind.) But No!!!

Now I am in FP and get to top front head where spirit minds are,
and I hit the ceiling! Revised, I was not opened enough.
(I left in what I wrote before. for your cross reference.)
I have been trying to reach up as I did in BP,
but it takes me to more material levels.
This has been happening for a few months now.
So this one early morn, I had to break this caper!
I asked my angels, Why?
Then I sat back and allowed all to be.
The energies went slowly to back head and raised there.
Not on mind channels but on flow of Kundalini energy.
So it is not the mind you reach oneness from. Its K.
I knew from past that you had to have a blanked mind. And now I know why!
Its not mind reach, its Kundalini reach to oneness.
Thus it is always in back head and above. (Revised. When opened, both ways.)
Thus you want the K energy to open to oneness.(Yes…Both front or back when open)
Later Mind is out upper front head to your backyard.
I being now in low soul and new in FP, have had a rocky road with K energy.
Maybe knowing route of BP has fouled me up? The two are very different.
I can jump into oneness vibe and I am there in vibe,
but not sure how to get there. (for teaching sake.)
I remember in the 80s, I would think of getting a grandeur vibe,
which heightened my energy, and I would throw my arm into air,
(usually right) and say with Gusto through the energy I felt,
‘Fly to the Moon!!!’
The energy would rush up back to top head or sometimes
over to top front head and on out above.
I used term fly to the moon, for I felt I could easily do that
through the energy coming through K.
In fact, one time I did feel myself fly around the world.

I would do this several times a day, almost of necessity.
Just suddenly, stop eating talking or what ever I was doing,
and not totally of my control, up would go my arm and out came the words.
As the energy came out top head, I would direct it to the moon
or high above me. Maybe focusing it to high soul?

Practice Grandeur of God. It is a certain energy or vibe.
That Energy or vibe in the mountains, was my ticket.
Find scenes that bring grandeur of God and practice.
I do not mean Jesus, I mean the one great presence in all.
Do not push too much, allow energy to do the work.
Be aware of top back head for vibe.
May take few months or years, but this may help opening?
spiritualdigs.com … 2021 Oct.


Update months earlier..

… Kundalini energy has calmed down much. I still have to be on guard,
but it is much tamed and is healing physical.
All is stronger, healthier within.
I am getting more stamina in legs and they feel younger
as my total physical feels young and able to coupe better.
… The energy takes a multitude of paths through the physical now.
Sometimes it is specific areas only as in upper back or lower arms and hands.
Often it comes only through belly area, which is still a problemed area,
or should I say, a clogged area, not free flowing as other areas.
Everyone will be different depending where your inner problems are,
but I am very pleased with what is happening as a total.
I know I am being healed and rejuvenated piece by piece,
by a higher source unknown.
Happy trails and onward. Lynne 2021.

spiritualdigs.com … 2020-21


First entry a few years back.
… If any of you are conflicted with the Kundalini Energy
coming too strongly in spurts, I have found a way to control and stop it.
… The K. Energy seems to be dictated from a higher point
and if you have your mind in a higher level, there is no control,
(for me anyway).
For years its been hard on my legs as it comes up from the feet.
Now I can stop it in its tracks.
I am not sure what this will do to my opening, but
I would rather walk than have some kind of opening.
… Its that split second before K. comes,
that you have to make a quick decision to bare with it or reject it.
But if I go very low in mind it stops K. Energy instantly.
… I go low to within my physical, like upper navel solar-plexus area.
Mind should automatically follow, becoming aware of low chin to neck area.
If mind stays in head you can focus strongly
into neck upper-chest to bring it down.
Do not think of back, above head or below feet, for you may connect to K flow.
I somehow push against the force, as if I exert an inner force
to stop K from even coming into feet. I’m not sure for it just happened.
You will have to figure this out, for its almost an ethereal thing.

… If you are going to attempt alterations
Please practice an altered path when K is not active.
You need to prepare the mind of the path you wish.
… After a few minutes when you know the K has settled down,
you can go back to express normally.
(If you are not agile in your levels, its a question if
you can benefit by the above.)
I hope, this is of help to you. … Thank-You.

(Be cautioned that if the energy starts to come strongly and you try to alter it,
it could make it worse.
When I first attempted alterations, it was coming out chest,
and still came to give me a chest ache for the day.
It was on the third attempt I somehow stopped it with force.)

… If you attempt any of the above, it is under your will.
That is, I will not be responsible for any outcome, even a good outcome,
for it is of your will.

(This is not intended to discourage one from the benefits of opening the Kundalini.
Only when K is stopping you from living your life, need it be controlled.
It will be that there are blockages within your system,
thus problems may occur.)
Later as the blockages are cleansed away,
the Kundalini should give little troubles.)
… I wish you happy trails and Good Luck!

spiritualdigs.com … 2018-17



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