BB. Happy Fairy-tales. B

Extra Heat Wave. (2021).
If you are in the heatwave, please put out
a saucer of water for anything stumbling by. Ha-ha.
Even insects come purely for a drink then circle and leave.
Can they smell water?
2024 – Bee came and hovered then landed and drank. Then flew out of sight.



Spiritual-Digs is likened to the mining for jewels.
Digging out treasure chests from the dark tunnels of self,
to choose, excavate and polish each Gem of growth. Lynne..


Happy Fairy-tales A 42. B 44.

(Altered Jan 9.) Always open to fall back on.


When Main Page is Too Advanced for you,
Stay here for a while. Study will cycle to beginning.
Intro B
This is the A B Cs of Spiritual Growth.
Understanding comes with progress on the Spiritual Path.
Manual Practice, gets your goals. (Sorry).
… (Remember, spiritual progress is mostly ethereal.)
Good luck. 😎

If you wish to promote Peace on Earth,
Start with you and Start now. (1990s).

New to Meditation?
If you have not meditated for any length of time, first thing you must do is
find music that makes you happy. Sit for 10 -15 minute deep in the music.
Push repeat and listen every day with eyes closed. Slow the mind and relax.
Focus the mind on the happy within. This will slow the thoughts.
Do this till your heart is warm with happy and comfort.
When happy becomes a habit start to sit with eyes open,
always maintaining that happy glow within chest. This is your foundation.
Do not reach up till this is complete. Maybe a week or two.
Then slowly get happiness when eyes open. After that reach up getting higher.

… At this point you should select the gear
to take with you on the path ahead.
Pick the best gear in stock, the cost is not expensive.
The selections to choose from are,
1. Having the Will and determination to strive for higher Highs
2. Not caring if you are up or down and continuing in a yo-yo state.
3. Or Going downward.

Which gear of mind are you starting with?
Will it help you achieve your goal? (1980-90s). 1.

Route to take and Why.
The Reason.

Step One .
… Strong Happiness! 😎
Why? … To make the surface person more positive
and start you on your journey, up into top head.
Why? There, many doors will open for you.

Step Two.
… After 2-4 weeks, working with happiness,
you will start to move upward into Joy.
Joy is more a spiritual happiness. A true happiness.
You touch upon the ethereal levels here which will
enable you to open the spiritual realm within you.

Have you ever stopped and thought;
Is this all there is to life?
… Am I going to spend the major part of my life, waking,
going to work, coming home, going to sleep.
On days off, If lucky, go to a party, go on a picnic,
or be able to wash car and clean house that has been neglected.

All through my day off, my mind reminds me,
I must go to work tomorrow. I better enjoy myself now,
for there are 6 days of work coming, dread the thought.
Oh Well, that is life! ?

… If you are just working to make a living,
You can quite easily wonder
what life is all about. To make money?

** Now you can work toward Heaven on Earth. It will follow you after life.


B 4. – Problems Within.
If you are one who contacts bad stuff within you regularly, I would say
do not open too fast. Opening does not mean being happy and content.
If you be happy and content and at peace within your everyday levels,
you are aiding in helping, the problems within you.
Opening is the getting into higher levels and making awareness
more keen on what is around you. One needs Peace happy and love,
to cleanse the inner levels of self. So please continue with meditation.
Spend your time comfortable and happy while listening to happy music.
Study beginning books as Fairy-tale or Hello World. Bring tears of Joy.
When you feel the inner problem has subsided then go into higher learnings.
Lynne Lynda.. 2023..

Tree Groups,
… For more energy around dwelling plant tree groups.
always remember how big they get. A bad example of this is
how they plant trees on boulevards. A fantastic Idea but,
In a Year, they have to start mangling the poor trees. (Telephone wires).
This is a crime, not only for the tree but for us
who have to look at deformed tree.
… If someone came and chopped your limbs off because that one felt
they were too long, how would you feel.
Plants have feelings, (Read, Secret Life of Plants).
– (1990s.)..


B 5. – Living Plants. Baxter Machine.
… Some people have produced a machine that
monitors a plant’s emotions.
There is also a technique that is quite common,
of talking to your plants to make them grow better for you.
Some people say that the right kind of music will create Happier,
Healthier plants as well. I feel there is truth here,
for the better the vibes are around the plant,
the easier the plant will be able to put out better vibes itself,
which like us in this study, will lead to Health and Happiness.
Everything is a person, even non-living things
have an intelligent force with them.
(Even Plants; Read Secret Life of Plants
by Tompkins and Bird. — (2011-12). 1.
This is an eye opener that all should read.)

So, if heaven is up there, (pointing into sky.)
Do the people on the other side of Earth go down to heaven?

So where is Heaven?
Could it be Jesus was talking innuendos to his followers?
Up there could have meant in upper aura. Above head!
When you get into top head and above, you will agree.
It certainly feels like heaven to me.
But a more permanent Heaven I feel, is in central soul.
(2016-17). 2.


B 6. – (Fairy-tale Treasure).
… It’s your job to increase the flow of love. Only you can do this.
The study gives you guidelines but as the saying goes,
“You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink.”
It’s your choice to drink as much as you need and reap the benefits.

If you make an excuse every other day and say,
..It seems childish, I am not getting anywhere!
..I would rather be out fishing, wouldn’t you?
..I feel the love sometimes and that’s all I need.

What your mind focuses on you will reap.
What have you built for this past week? (1980s-90s). 2.

Treasure Chest.
Nature… We must live on this earth with nature as our friend
and learn how to care and help this friend,
not abuse it as humanity has in past.
Each species is different and interesting in its own way,
just as each individual in its species has its interesting
points of likes and dislikes.
… They all have their wants and needs as well as personalities.
Science is realizing more and more that
the Plant and Animal Kingdoms are not as dumb
as people once believed them to be. (1980-90s).

YES, anyone in Canada can get FREE trees to plant. Look it up.


B 7. – Space. (The Rocky Road).
… Our solar system of 8 ? planets and our sun
make one star in our galaxy.
A large galaxy has trillions of stars.
A galaxy can be up to 100,000 light years in diameter.
(1 light year is 6 trillion miles.)
… Our galaxy the Milky Way is flat.
Our sun is located on inside edge of one of the spiral arms.
The center of our galaxy is 38, 000 light years away,
within Sagittarius constellation direction.
… Andromeda galaxy is a spiral like Milky Way.
It is closest galaxy to us.
It can be seen without a telescope.
Over 100 thousand light years in diameter.
Found in northern sky in Andromeda constellation.
… M33 is a galaxy like ours but a bit different shape.
Called Pinwheel galaxy, it is in constellation Triangulum
and is a member of our local group of 30 Galaxies.
This galaxy is so spread out it is hard to see.
Like other members of our local group,
it is traveling 30,000 MPH through space.
… Virgo cluster is a thousand galaxies. 50 million light years
from earth (1 light year = 6 Trillion miles)
is found in Virgo constellation.
It is the closest cluster of galaxies to earth.
This cluster is expanding at 2 million miles per hour.
(about 250 miles second?) (2011-12?). Only 1.

… From the above you can see that this universe
is far bigger than you can imagine,
so, if you think there is an Energy Being
or Presence overseeing all, what the heck are you worried about


B 8. – What is Meditation?
It is simply being in your awareness, not your thinking mind.
First you sit the physical down
Then you sit the awareness down, out of mind.

Then relax and try to ignore the thoughts passing by.
If you know the stages of falling asleep, you will feel the similarities.
The deeper you go the less thought you have, till mind is blanked.

Positive Attitude.
If there is a slight happy situation, respond in Happiness
whether it makes you feel that way or not.
Most are afraid of being the fool.
The more you respond in a positive vibration,
the more of a habit it becomes to respond in that way.
This eventually alters your emotional state within. (2011-12). 2.

(Treasure Chest).
To properly meditate many books tell you
… You need to sit on floor with mat or cushion,
… Sit with legs folded,
… Breathe through one nostril,
… Chant this or that,
… Wear this or that,
… Must be same time, in early morn or later evening, etc..

Now here is a simple way.
… Simply sit in any way you wish,
… at any time you wish,
… and for any length of time you wish.
The only thing you need to do is,
… be sure you will not be disturbed
… relax the best way you can.
And be Happy! (2011-12).


B 9. – Chart Mood Swings. (Treasure Chest).

… If this one runs into joyous times before another downer,
this one may get back to the level started on.
If this one is inclined to worry or keep grudges,
most likely they will hit another downer and so it goes.
If this one was to sit and strive for happiness,
they would raise and pass the level first on.
… To travel this path, you need to free yourself,
from all negative vibes within.
This is accomplished by filling with love and joy,
always striving to be happier and positive in all you do.

Remember that we should stabilize our state of ups and downs.
We should have control over self and not get down and depressed.
That doesn’t help anyone. In fact, it slowly distorts all good.
We need to look at the root of this disease, our reactions.
Find out why we want to react in this way?
If it’s a vibe within, fill the negative feeling
with Love and do not dwell on it.
And later, Do not invite negative back in.
It’s a much happier way to live. (1980-90s).

If there is a slight happy situation, responds in Happiness,
whether it makes you feel that way or not.
Most are afraid of being the fool.
The more you respond in a positive vibration,
the more of a habit it becomes to respond in that way.
This eventually alters your emotional state within. (2011-12).


B 10. – Just flush the sick fish, Right?
… Think before you flush! Uric Acid and feces.
… Your fish will be burnt to death!
Is That OK?
… A Better way is to put in a small bit of water in a container.
Enough so does not panic.
Put in freezer and let sit for half hour. More for bigger fish.
To nephew. (2017-18)
… After having fish for 25 years I know they are
intelligent creatures, as all are upon this earth.
They deserve a little respect. Even feeder Goldfish
which is whom I talk of here.
I had a 7 and half year old feeder Goldfish and she had quite a life.
I didn’t know they lived that long.

… While listening to music have you noticed
you go higher within self with higher musical notes
and lower within the self with lower musical notes?
Realize this and practice feeling this musical elevator within.
In future it will be of great service
through unclogging blocked areas.
… How?… The music keeps you stationary without you knowing it.
As you get into Fantastic Happiness
or what that piece of music takes you to,
you will be fixing the area you are stationary at.


B 11. – You must be weak to do Gods works?.
… It has come to my attention of the fact that
people believe you have to be weak,
feeble and imperfect for god to work with you.
This is not true. Be as good and strong as you can.
What needs to be bending is the ego.
The material person still needs to progress
with gods beauties and adventures, but
when it is time for God or High powers to be exercised,
your ego must be willing to bend and be weak or
subside to the will of God. God’s Will not yours.
There is a fine line there.
The material person should not be influenced in thinking
it has to be weak.
… Well, you would not live long and not be healthy.
God has to Use your instrument to do any works
upon the physical level.
If your physical is weak and ego is strong
you will soon be laid to rest.
On the other hand, if your physical is healthy and strong,
but your Ego is weak and bending,
God’s powers will be strengthened through the ability
and endurance of the physical body
to do more powerful things upon the physical plain.
Its Ego that has to be weakened but a better word
would be un-desiring, not interested in life. – (2017). 1.


B 12. – (Home Study). ABC
No matter what problems you or others have,
always see the beneficial part and the good it may bring.
Everything has a purpose.
… Some things may seem cruel and hard but are lessons people need to go through
to get their goal. Later you may see the good that comes from it.
We do not know what has to be learned and there are always people
who can’t understand the easy way
so need or choose to learn the hard way. – (1980).
It’s their doing but it’s their lesson and may be perfectly right for them.

… Think of all the minutes you are alone in a day.
If you tried to be Happy and achieve,
even a bit of Happiness in those minutes,
you would be forming a habit
and cleanse those very areas as you do. (2011-12).

How many cups per day?
Now they say 10. Summer more.
Protein! How much do you get?
Bloopers? Watch laugh and be Happy!


B 13. – (Fairy-tale Treasure).
All things are energy. Even the things not seen,
as the light all around us, daylight.
We would see nothing if daylight wasn’t there.
Yet it’s not until we see the sun or a shadow
that we realize light is in every breath we take.
Our physical is being nourished by light atoms.

Thoughts and emotions are other invisible things.
Yet if a person thought a lot of very negative thoughts
they would start to feel heavy inside,
or what people say as being down.
We would see on the outside a darkness around them
and they would look down. They would probably be
frowning and look depressed or angry.
After years of putting out very negative thought patterns,
the physical would become ill, and posture would alter.
Within months of positive training, this could be reversed.
Thoughts are things not quite visible, but very real.

Pre-cloud state or water vapor is another visible
or invisible group of atoms.
If you have never seen clouds appear in the sky, take time to
watch on a day when only one or two cloud wisps are there.
Lie down on a lawn chair or in a room with a view and
watch the cloud disappear and re-appear
as it tries to build into a thunder cloud.
Some of these clouds will start to form and then
start to disappear, only to appear a foot away or so.
… This most often happens in early spring or later summer.
Watching this happen, expands your awareness and imagination.
Another thing you can do is to go to a science book
that explains in pictures how weather happens,
so you can understand this more.
It all happens through fast and slow atoms, or hot and cold air.

Your Guardian Angels are made of energy also.
Maybe they are giving you some of their energy or atoms
when you are tired or down. Like water vapor of clouds, if
your guardian angels gather around them more energy or atoms
they would be visible. The atoms would slow down because
not able to move freely and the angel, same as water vapor,
would start to be visible.
… As the clouds appear out of thin air, so can a lot of things.
Whether visible or invisible, we all exchange energy to a degree.
This is one way, all are one.
-(1980s-90s) .1. Total entry, Original.


B 14. – (Gem of Day).
Take time to be young.
… In early morn when first wake, When all is quiet, instead of,
‘Oh I have to do this and that today!
‘Oh I feel old and tired.’ etc. etc.!!!!

‘No … Stop the Clock!’
‘That is habit!’
‘Stop and relax.’

Instead, ‘Think of self at an early age in happy times.’
Be! that person you were then.

… Put hands in air and move arms as though you are
that young child again?
Its only a habit to feel old!
This habit is helping to make you old
by bringing in the old energy.

… Start to be young. Bring in the youth energy.
Take all opportunities in a day to be youthful.
Color pictures, watch cartoons, always bring in youth vibes.
(2011-12). 2.

Stay close to your youth, within.
Relax and Smile out in Harmony, then note how much better you feel.
Heal Thyself.


B 15. – (Home Study.)
Just remember; 📌
… If you plant a field of corn,
you will harvest a field of corn.
If you plant a field of thistles,
you will harvest those prickly thistles.
So, watch what you plant in your thoughts, words and deeds.

If you have thoughts of fear, you will be fearful.
If you have thoughts of sadness, you will reap sadness.
If you have thoughts of war, you will be ready to make war,
whether on a national or family scale. (1990s).

… Sit and think of the weeds you plant that will ruin your garden.
Then go and weed them out with Love and Happiness. (1980-90s). 2.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Go out and Breathe on your plants to say, I Love you.
(Oxygen makes us happier, so
carbon dioxide should make plants happier.) (2022). 2.


B 16. – Treasure Chest. Original. ABC
… Try not to form a habit of doing for others
because they want you to.
Learn to say No, if you have other things of more importance to do.
For some people this is hard, and they try to please everyone
only to run themselves ragged.
… Live your life, not others.
Do only what is necessary for others and they can do the rest.
… If others give you advice, take it away and think about it.
Avoid being bullied into doing something.
If you lose a friend, it makes a void for another.
Do from your heart and never be afraid to live your own life.

… Now let us learn the easy way and make a Habit of happiness,
not allowing others to pull us down into darkness.
Find Happy within and you won’t need to cling so hard
to the outside. … You will feel whole and free.
Think about this and reach for stronger better vibes.
Spirit upon the earth. (1990s).


B 17. – (Home Study).
There are two main ways to let out your frustration.
Both need to be under your control.
Temper is rarely under ones control, so the better way to go is cry.
Crying is a more subtle way of letting off steam.
It won’t hurt the physical and others around.
It puts a blanket over you and comforts you.
Temper is taking a sword and getting ready for battle.
High blood pressure, bad things said.
You stand a risk of being physically hurt then
and maybe in future. Maybe even killed.
… Release the habit of temper and release the frustrated vibes
that cause temper. Do this by going alone and finding area.
When you find your area of temper, release it by crying.
do not make a habit of crying, only when you need it.
it cleanses out built up anger.
… It may be hard to cry at first if haven’t cried for years but try.
It may save your life someday.
Crying is a safer way to let out all kinds of built up negatives.
Then when released you can start to make area positive
through happiness. (1980-90s).

😊 Smile

Are you happy?
If not find a mirror…


B 18. – Pathway all put Together.
… When you are in the material self, and you begin life,
you are not going through the levels that fast.
Very often as a child you start in the higher areas and
as time goes by you slowly work your way down.
… As you go down you run into problem areas,
negative areas of past.
You deal with these as your surroundings
and your upbringing taught you.
Around adolescents normally you go into the Emotional-Material.
This level is the area that holds most of our problems.
… As you go on in the average life, you are tossed and turned
and go up and down with these negative emotional areas.
As time goes by some people climb a bit higher and stay at a
slightly higher level but these emotional areas still influence.
… If you find a pathway of a religious type or other types
that help you to be more positive in life,
these areas will slowly be cleansed and
you will either travel a bit faster
down or up through the cycles.
This makes progress faster and the average person
would overcome some of the more surface problems.
For the deeper problems it takes a lot longer.
… If one was to work on ridding of these problems
systematically as this study will provide,
one can conquer the major problems much quicker.
With this you will understand and know the cycling,
becoming more and more positive.
This in turn cleanses the channels so progress is faster.

… As you begin this journey you will tend to go up.
It is better in a way to go down,
because you rid of the deeper blocks at that point.
But most people have too much to deal with
and need to be aware and educated in the more positive ways.
So you should gravitate upward in your cycling’s.
… Later you will get into the higher levels and eventually
contact the more spiritual area of self.
This is another level of self, a part of you that has
different channels through the physical. (1990s). 2.


B 19 – The 10 Commandments
… These to me are the basic rules of ground level spirituality.
Now if you do not obey these commandments
(not that I’m a Bible thumper, no,) but if one does not
follow closely with these rules then I am sorry to say,
they are not ready for a spiritual path.
Why do I say this?
… Cause whatever you do will come back to you.
Now I’m not saying this cause books say this,
I have experienced this very prominently in my life.
So, if you dabble in stealing, whether it be wife husband
or robbing the bank, it is a conditioning, and with opened
energy channels you bring to you what you deserve, in
greater fold, and with God speed.
I experienced things within a week of the time I started.
… No, I did not steel a husband nor walk off with a young fortune.
My venue was complaining to co-workers.
Suddenly all were coming to me with their troubles.
After a couple of months, I turned back the clock and thought,
they never did this before. … Why? …
I saw what happened and stopped complaining, by just
closing my mouth when the first words came out.
Within a month, things started settling down again.
It is true! You do create your life!

… So, if you steel and give people a bad time for fun etc.
This is what you are opening your channels to.
Thus I warn you, if you are like this,
curb yourself before opening your channels much. 2020… 2.


B 20. – (Gem of Day).
True Love is an understanding love, used for no personal gain.
It’s a wish to aid humanity towards Peace and Harmony,
for the creation of wellbeing.
The earthly love often clouds and blocks
the True Love so it cannot channel forth.
The earthly ego is easily hurt.
With True Love the ego is calmed and will not object.
… Channel True Love and the world will be a happier place.
Happiness brings more Love and Joy. Work on each to strengthen all.
Sit and fill with happiness to bring True Love from within.
… The more you strive the quicker you progress.

Dendrite Growth.
… Just as babies spend first months growing dendrites
to connect nerve cells together in the brain,
I feel we grow new dendrites for the new channels
of expression as eternal wisdom, psychic seeing and hearing.
Once you start to grow dendrites, you need to keep the
energy flowing that way often, or the dendrites stop growing.
This is why practice is important for most things.
Once the dendrites have grown well then it is a habit.
A common, built-in way, to go. (1990s). 2.


B 21. – Fairy-tale Rocky Road. ABC
… When you read, If you are sad you will reap sadness.
You may say;
“I don’t care because I will change to become happy again soon.
Happiness is always there someplace, so why worry,
about being sad or angry. it’s natural to have these emotions.”

… This is true, things do go on, but you leave
an imprint of everything you express.
All these imprints stay within the section of mind
you were in at that time.
The natural cycling of the mind will bring you
around to those same places in time.
By then they will have collected more of their type of energy, so
be much larger than what you put in. You will re-live that area.

… If you react negatively to that area again,
you will feed it more negative energy and enlarge it.

Emotional Fog.
–Burn the emotional fog away with happiness.
Then you will raise up on levels and
the emotions will be light and crisp as a child’s. (2020.)

Class Exercise,
I want you to stand.
Now put hands in air above head and breathe in a bit more than normal.
Where do you breathe in? Is it high energy or low energy you feel?

Now put hands at waist and breathe again.
Where does the air go to? Above head?
No, you will note it goes into central torso.
Again what kind of energy does it bring?

Now again, breathe in a bit more than normal with arms at sides.
Again, where do you breathe from? In Lower Stomach?
So what is doing this. Do you breathe in these areas cause you want too?
Or does it just happen. It seems to be like different levels.
Think about this and be more aware of your breathing in future. (2011-12.).


B 22. – Treasure Chest. Adv
Pure energy is the Light of Love and Joy.
The more Love and Joy we channel through our beings
the brighter we become, growing closer and closer to the Truth within.
All is made of positive, but our Free Will often misuses
and distorts energy into the negative side of life.
… Hate greed envy, jealousy, anger, etc.
these are all Light and are all Love. But
in the distortion, Love has been distorted into the negative ways.
… Our free Will created these and our free will has to
correct them within our beings. Call it Karma or whatever.
This is the cleansing process we are entering now. (1990s).

… The more you strive the quicker you progress.

… You can lead a horse to water but the horse must drink.
The waters for spiritual progress are here for you, so drink.
If you partake in training the self, you will get through
with the Love, Joy and Peace you wish,
and your thirst will be quenched by understanding. (1990s).


B 23. – (Gem of Day).
Are there other paths?
… This is not the only way to cleanse mind channels,
positive energy cleanses any area.
… This is an automatic cycling through minds.
Its a natural cycling.
… When you are aware of your cycling,
then you can feel if an area is hesitant,
uptight or a pain to be in.

… If you were not aware of an area in a cycle,
you would feel a general problem in mind or emotions
and change to put better thoughts or emotions through.
As time went by you would run into same area
and again go away from it.
It would take a very long time to correct this area,
for you keep running from it.
Only natural, nobody wants to face a problem if they can avoid it.

… Why Learn Basic Nutrition?
… There will come a time when you will not want to eat,
exercise or sleep. These things will be a waste of time to you
when you could be sitting in that fantastic vibe.
I did this and paid. Its only right that I warn you.
Eat foods you need for nutrition. Learn! (Constipated? Chew your food.)
(This is for ones spending hours meditating.)


B 24. – How to get Happiness Materially.
… Did you know that more oxygen gives you comfort and Happiness?
If you have needed to be given an oxygen mask you should know this.
So why do you deprive yourself of this life giving Happiness?

… We leave the greenery in the forests or in the fields and gardens, away from us.
Then we go into our concrete fortresses and close all doors and windows.
We spend hours sitting in one room till
we have used most of the oxygen in the air.
… We sit quietly watching TV screen or PC Screen
till our eyes are blurred, our limbs are asleep
and our back is aching.
Our breath is shallow with all the stillness,
so we get very little oxygen.
… With all this deprivation of oxygen,
which gives us comfort and Happiness, our minds are not Happy but
almost concerned while taking in a program or finding something
on the net.
Is this not true?

… Keep plants indoors or air room out regularly.
Sit at computer for an hour then get up.
walk to another room, move and breathe.
Then return in 5 min. (1990s). 1.


B 25. – Now we work on words. (Home Study).
… These may be a little harder to control then thoughts,
for once you say them, they are out roaming free
in every mind that picks them up.
The key is to think before you speak.
Your words reflect your thoughts and your thoughts
influence your words.
Even the way you say one word will tell a story.

… One cannot help put out vibes, when talking or even thinking.
Sometimes you can see what people are thinking
by picking up the vibes.
These vibrations within and without you, control your life.
So good thoughts will help to bring good words.
Sit and think about this for a while.

… When you talk with people, keep it light and happy.
Knocking others down makes your company feel uneasy,
if they don’t knock down the same.
A group of friends knocking things down causes negative vibes.
Compliment your company and this will lead to
a group of positive friends.
… If you have a problem, talk about it briefly
to get it off your mind.
This may lead to some helpful comments from others.
Try not to dwell on any problem.
Draw conclusions to ease your mind and later work to rid of problem.


B 26. – Now we look at deeds. (Home Study).
… These should be done with the proper attitudes.
Not for selfish gain but to uplift people and help them on their path.
You should be happy and willing to help someone if they need it.
But do not let people use you, you have your life too.
If it’s your job, well you may have no choice, but you can change jobs.
Sit and apply these questions to the things you do for people.

–Do people run your life?
–Do you let them?
–Do you do things for your ego’s sake?
–Do you take good advice and act on it? Or think it through.
Do things from the heart and spirit of goodness.

… For your Basic person within,
Buy a kids coloring book and pencil or crayons.
Every week color a picture for color therapy.
It will help with any deep knots you have. (2022?)


B 27. – (Home Study). ABC
You may know people who like to cause problems
and you may get tangled up in their situations.
If you look within that person, you will probably see
problems of jealousy, resentment, insecurity or fear.
If the person realized they are causing a disturbance,
they may wish to change.
They are hurting themselves as well as others about.

If they work on themselves, by cleansing with the Love,
their environment will improve, and the hassle will be gone for all.
This realization often takes time.
… They need to get to the point where
they are tired of the whole thing and ready to give up…
Then is the time they will see they need to do something to change their ways.
That is when they need to be introduced to a better path, of more light.
That is when they will accept these other paths. (!980-90s)
For some it will take lifetimes!!!


B 28. – (Treasure Chest). original
Basic Ideas – All Are Teachers. Original.
… Teachers have come to the earth in many forms.
(All are teachers to some degree.) Others follow as best they can,
but no one can make you learn. You have free will.
Teachers can guide, being an example
of what they have accomplished.
… The spiritual climb is a steady climb that requires determination.
The closer you get to your source, the swifter the road becomes.
The victor benefits all.
… There are many people who are tired of their path
and wish more light. Many bright lights are needed
to show the way. ✨✨✨
So put aside worries and fears turning toward
more Light for understanding. (1980-90s)..

As Time Goes By.
… You will outgrow things you cling dearly to now,
as in I believe this, but I don’t believe that.
You will reassess yourself many times through your journey.
You may look back and laugh at yourself for who and what you were.
We do not know our follies till we go beyond our follies.
As you peel off the excess layers bit by bit
the true pure inner core is viewed. (1990s).


B 29. – (Home Study).
… While sitting quietly and thinking or daydreaming,
a new vibration may sneak in through your thoughts that takes your attention.
Look into this new vibe and drop all other thoughts and vibrations
you were entertaining.
At times there are gaps in the thought patterns which allow hunches
or new ideas in from a higher source.

… Within yourself, use Joy to raise above
your problems, into higher more positive ground.
From there you may be able to see
what the problem is and fix it.
..In spiritual ways, if the problem is hate,
fill with Love so no room for anything else.
..If the problem is jealousy of others,
fill with Love, Peace and Joy.
Then it would be difficult to feel jealous.
(Habit? Create new habit!) (2020). 1.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Smile as you hum a song in mirror. You will break into laughter.*
Then go give that smile to others. (2022).


B 30. – The Phases of Meditation.
At the Start.
… If you are on the material level of focus, you may have a problem
contacting the spiritual levels.
Your mind is focused on material. Any spiritual stuff you think or feel,
is through the material. You have to think of something on your material level
to be able to smile or laugh. When you deeply think from a material level,
you are still on that level and will think or need a material object or
event to think of. This is the habitual ramblings of mind.

Meditation turns the tide.
… If you close eyes, your material mind continues to think of an event
or object that you were engaged in that day or that week.
If you try to remember something of distant past you are close
to an ethereal level in mind, but still venturing through the material path.
… Now if you close eyes and allow mind to think for a bit, but try also
to relax and daydream. In 5 or 10 minutes, if you curb your mind and relax,
you will start to sense the ethereal spiritual levels within you.
A daydream world. A what if world. A more relaxing world. (Lynda 2023.). 1.


B 31. – (Treasure Chest).
… If you see a plant or animal that needs help, give a hand.
If you see a baby tree who has managed to grow
between the curb and the road, or along a path where
it is sure to get trampled upon, plant it elsewhere.

… You are gifted so you can move around.
Appreciate that gift by helping a plant who can’t.
Think about this, and in the future become more aware
of the plants and animals that make your life. (1980-90s).

Each species is different and interesting in its own way,
just as each individual in its species has its interesting
points of likes and dislikes.
… They all have their wants and needs as well as personalities.
Science is realizing more and more that
the Plant and Animal Kingdoms are not as dumb
as people once believed them to be. (1980-90s).

Talk to plants. Psych them out.
Are they thirsty? This is an exercise to help you open psychically.
… All creatures are learning by this path.

… If you poo-poo this idea read the next sentence.
(If you walk by something, that something learns to ignore you,
If you pay attention to that something, it will pay attention to you.)

Drinking Energy.
… Do not pouring your drink into a glass,
dribble it so lot of bubbles form.
A quicker way, put into tumbler and shake 30 – 60 times.
… This fluffs the water. Natures water!
Like Natural stream water that has been thrashed about.
Drink it and feel the extra energy you take in.


B 32. – Briberies for Heaven?
… Some still believe, if you go to church each Sunday and pay your tithings
or better still go find some water and throw a bit of change there,
(Pennies will do). That the Lord will have pity upon you and let you in.
Ha Ha. Do you not think the Lord knows, that is bribery?
… For one, there are no gates and there are no heavens or hells.
Neither above you nor below you. (Speaking for the other side of world.)
It is a state of mind.
… These are myths created in past to make people Pay,
all they had (to the Church), so to be saved from a so called monster.
What happened to, God so loves all creatures, the great and the small.
Is not Godly to be positive and do to others as you would have done to you?
Or are we to be bribing and lying to our father in Heaven, hoping
he does not know. Ha Ha,
… God and anything godly is very deep, into the heart and soul of a person.
God can see through all you do. He has seen all excuses, all briberies.
Remember, he knows all, sees all and is all. You cannot hide from Dad.
God is looking for the innocents of a child. etc. He forgives all,
but as a father he knows a child will learn by its mistakes.
Free Will. So he will let all go, play the game of life, (a good teacher.)
Those who leave here and do not come back are saved by their well doings.
They are the ones who are in heaven. And around and around we go.
May heaven help us! Ha Ha.
Lynda.. (2022).


B 33. – If you are traveling upward,
things come to you or levels come to you and progress.
If you get stuck on something and do not remain free,
(to go further and explore spiritually) you become trapped
on that level. Material temptations!
EG. Fear of Losing a friend, so you spend all your time
keeping friend. That is your God!
Or Becoming Rich so spend all you time working to riches.
That is your God!

… On whatever level you get trapped on,
you get tangled in all the alleys,
that are included in the level.
EG family, Robbery, Bankrupt, Betrayal.
… All this becomes an attempt
to make you give up that level and move on.
Material or spiritual.
Which God Do You Follow? And Why? Be truthful to self.

… For your Basic person within,
Buy a kids coloring book and pencil or crayons.
Every week color a picture for color therapy.
It will help with any deep knots you have. (2022?)


B 34. – (Your Pathway). Original.
You Make Your Life.
… We all have Cosmic energies, in through and around us.
Without this energy field nothing would live.
We have the privilege to use the energy in the way we wish.
To follow the True Way in Love, being close to our source,
or to go our own way as we choose.
This is free Will and is given us so we can learn
that using Love, Peace and Understanding is the True Path.

… For help we need to search for the positive and
flood out those negatives within.
When we allow the light of Love to fill
and penetrate all that is within us,
then Love corrects and restores
to the original. Then only True Light prevails.✨
This can only happen when one is willing to work and fill
entirely with Love, refusing all else,
then allow the Cosmic to rule.
… With Love as the ruling factor,
nothing but Love is seen or felt.
You see Love within all that enters your scope.
You are tuned to the channel of Love
and on that channel of Love,
only Love is viewed.
(1980-90s). 2.


B 35. – (The Rocky Road).
There are people you may feel you could help,
but they talk in a negative way, from habit.
If you feel the only way to become closer to this person
is to speak their language, it’s good to do so only to a degree.
This gets them on your side and your influence
of a more positive lifestyle, may rub off.
… It’s interesting to see this take place but
always be in control of yourself.
If you start taking the negative persons habits
and using them when with others,
then it’s time to draw back into self.
… It’s like a person who is drowning.
If you cannot swim and you go out of your way
to save this one, you end up drowning as well. (2011-12)

… Be in Secure energy and help your world.


B 36. – New Gem of Day.
… Happiness is a Gem that will be the most useful tool
in clearing a path for enlightenment.
Used inside as well as out. Use it hourly in all facets of life.

… Many people are sensitive to vibrations.
You can call it ESP or whatever you wish.
The fact is that everyone, even you, uses this to
a more or less degree.
Some people call it hunches or 6th sense
and others call it their conscience.
… If you are here looking for ways to become psychic
but you have fear of that, I would say it is not your time.
If this is you, you would only bring the bad.
Like attracts Like. (1980-90s).

… This is how the plants and animals do most of their communicating.
We have lost it through our ability to create a structured language.
We depend on our material word and not on the psychic language.
… This is one thing we are trying to re-open here. (1990s).


B 37. – (Treasure Chest). ADV
Inner Energies.

… The meditative state needs to be practiced
to get used to or to stay at.
… Be aware of who you are, not what your mind is.
There you will feel the energies that make you.
There you start to control these energies.
You must be aware of something before you can
appreciate and control it.
… If low levels bring out negative, you are clouded there.
In this case you need to be happy in mind more.
Work harder on Happiness and this will eventually
make your norm more positive, so the lower levels
can be dealt with easier and not influence you as much.

… At this point your job is to correct basic attitudes and conduct.
Don’t blurt out phrases for 5-10 years without checking on meaning.
Alter your favorite sayings as you see fit. Sayings as Search me!
Are an invitation to any subconscious, to pry into your person.
Change the sayings to more positive ones.
… The same with swearing. Why no swearing?
You draw the people from other side who swear
and often they are in turmoil.
You do not need that around you to influence you in that direction.
A positive path gets quicker results.

Practice Happy laughter etc.
It cleanses area in now.
Get high enough and magically, problem is gone.
Physical endeavors will follow in time.
Reach high, to where you can be happy. Then, BE HAPPY!!! (1980-90).

… The more you strive the quicker you progress.


B 38. – Chart Breathing. (Happy-On).

Shallow Breathing. (Recent Experiences)
… Deep medi makes for shallow breathing.
… What is meant by shallow breathing? Not much air going in?
No, only part.
… Or maybe its breathing from front chest only?
This may include abdomen area also.
This is one step better.
… Deep breathing starts in the lower back
and is the deepest breath you can take.
After years of medi, I became a front breather.
I did not know this. But I also did not do breathing exercises.

… Problem is, even with breathing exercises,
if you are not aware of how you are breathing,
or all the ways you can breathe, habits form you are not aware of.
… So now, breathing is not only for the energy
but for correct breathing techniques. (2017-18).


B 39. – Shine and grow within now! (Home Study).
… You should live Happiness each day
in order to live it Always.
It is up to you. If you do not work on it each day
you may not reach your goal you wish.
Keep your feelers out and be guided by your inner sense.
If you wish Happiness, Peace and Security, you must
Reach for and make Space for these, within your vibration.
… Please take this time now to find what you need,
and when you find it, Glow it strongly.
For 5 min. be in vibration of Harmony and
spread it around in your world. (1990s).

-Keeping your mind filled with pleasant thoughts and memories.
Do not allow the negative in,
for it will lead you to unhappiness, worries and fears.
Follow the right path and you will get there sooner.

-It’s straight because you must see the goal and
head straight for it.
-It’s narrow because you must not falter or
you lose sight of the goal and lose your way.

Christmas 2024.
Tis my favorite time of year. With all the colorful lights and
many in jovial moods, it reflects what we should really be like.
Light is what makes us go. Light is what builds our world.
In darkness you do not want to go or to build, but to sit and stagnate.
Take time and many times to pause and reflect, in the light.
Be a Light of and in, your world. Lynne.


B 40. – (Treasure Chest).
Your Pathway … Thoughts.
… The average person’s life is made of both positive and negative
and all the ones in between. At any time, this one
can be swayed to the more positive or negative of their range.
Positive is obviously the way we wish to go.
… Make a point of practicing positive thinking
and the scales will tip more and more to a positive Person.
The positive will buffer the negative that is left, and you will
breeze through difficult times with little depression or downers.(1990s)

– (Treasure Fairy-tale).
… Think of ways you can help humanity and nature to balance.
All have the right to be here and Homo Sapiens
being the dominant species must undertake
to preserve the rights of all creatures.
… Dominance is not to conquer and rule over,
that is a barbarian’s way. In this modern day,
dominance is to guide and care for,
making sure that all is in order as it should be.
A balance between all things is needed. (1990s)
*Send your thoughts and do your best to balance this planet.


B 41. – Words.
… Words should be made simple to get the point across.
Not big words to impress how much you know,
or an overabundance of words.
Words are only a tool of which to tell the meaning of
the vibration your inner is putting out.
Books written with only a few ideas included are only money makers.
Very often the ideas that are written,
are of someone else’s thought not the authors.
… If you can say it in one word and make it understood, do so.

… Re-frame from using swear words. … Why?
These are usually uttered in anger and
a listener will connect them with anger.
As you open spiritually you do not wish
to draw lower spirits to you. Keep Happy.
… All words have their own vibration.
Which vibration are you putting out?
Speak the words of the inner you,
what does the positive inner energy wish to say.

… When you feel that the good vibes of medi
are more important than daily activities,
that is when you are on a Spiritual Path. (1990s).


B 42. – Deeds. (Your Pathway).
… Deeds are much the same as words. A deed is a tool.
If someone is really in need, help from the heart.
If someone wishes to use you, help if you feel you should
but do not become a door mat.
Use your common sense and don’t get stuck in circumstances
if you see it’s not necessary.

… After a few months of working on thoughts words and deeds,
join them all together as a unit.
Positive thoughts should bring more Happiness
and will help to cleanse for the higher. (1990s).

If there is a slight happy situation, responds in Happiness,
whether it makes you feel that way or not.
Most are afraid of being the fool.
The more you respond in a positive vibration,
the more of a habit it becomes to respond in that way.
This eventually alters your emotional state within. (2011-12).


B 43. – (Home Study).
… Throughout this section keep track of your conversations
and curb what needs dealing with. If you forget,
wear something that will remind you.
See how much you can improve your communication skills.
This is a task all need to do at regular intervals of their life.
We all fall into habits within time that must be checked up on.

Do not allow the negative in,
for it will lead you to unhappiness, worries and fears.
Follow the right path and you will get there sooner.

-It’s straight because you must see the goal and
head straight for it.
-It’s narrow because you must not falter or
you lose sight of the goal and lose your way.

Add in…
1 What are mind Channels?
… The best way to describe them is to give you a 5 minute exercise.
First be happy, then be sad. Do this 5 times in a row.
As you execute this you will feel sad is lower in face.
You will also get used to both areas so you have more control.
You are getting control of your mind.
This will be gone into at length. Monitoring to cleanse mind areas.


B 44. – (Treasure Fairy-tale).
Why is it that you can feel bad or upset
over things that other people may laugh at?
… You have put thoughts and vibrations forth
that have left blueprints in areas of mind.
Until you go back to same areas these energies of memory
stay tucked in corners, growing and gathering like energy.
As time goes by and area gets larger,
it seeps into your awareness of mind or
bursts in as temper etc.
If it’s a major area you may feel
you need tranquilizers for it shadows your life.
These are what I have termed blocks.
Negative energies that interfere
with positive energy expression. (1990s).

… By now you should be feeling a lot of Joy
and Happiness within self. A feeling of living in heaven.
The higher you go, the closer to the inner self you become.
Slowly and steadily reach upward as you
fine tune your vibration and accustom yourself
to the stronger more positive Light within you.

Its the Love and Happiness that counts.
… If a person needs to learn not to hate others,
if they filled with Love, where is room for hate?
… If one needs to learn not to be jealous of others,
when they fill with Love and Peace, they are content,
and who needs to be jealous of someone if they are
Happy and Content within themselves? (1990s).
Energy control is the answer.


Are you ready to go on…?

This is a progressive study so it is wise to keep up. Practice !!!
END.. Next we will go into higher learning. Changes daily.

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