BB. New Streamline High School … A


Extra Heat Wave. (2021).
If you are in the heatwave, please put out
a saucer of water for anything stumbling by. Ha-ha.
Even insects come purely for a drink then circle and leave.
Can they smell water?
2024 – Bee came and hovered then landed and drank. Then flew out of sight.

Spiritual-Digs is likened to the mining for jewels.
Digging out treasure chests from the dark tunnels of self,
to choose, excavate and polish each Gem of growth. Lynne..

New Streamline High School. Happy Classes into 4 Basics

(Altered Jan 8. ) .. Written from 1980-2024 .. Count A 66. – B 76.


Your Instructions.
If you spend 2-3 minutes reading 2-3 entries.
Then sit and think for 3-5 minutes of what you read.
You will pass beginning files without a doubt.
Later, if you spend a few minutes on acquiring steps talked of. Progress.
If not you will find the later steps are in a different language.
Not in your reach physically or mentally. Be prepared. Recycle Study.


Your Job.
In this section Be happy cleansing daily the more material levels.
Then you will know your positive tools as they become stronger within you.
You basically getting up into highs and exercising positive energies.
Each step that is given, whether at beginning or end, should be
practiced daily in order for you to keep up with literature.


Intro A. – Basic Outline…
… Again, for first week as you attempt to meditate,
please check on thoughts words and deeds.
Especially your thoughts, for a negative thought
will sway you to bring more negative into mind.
With negative thoughts bringing a negative trend to mind,
you cannot hope to be positive for any length of time.
Thus the light will not come to you. Game over. Why?
The light will be tainted as soon as it enters your mind.
Remember, it is the light that heals negative within.

Getting Control.
… No matter who you are or what you wish, first realize you have
control of the state you are in. You can be happy, you can be loving.
You can be at peace and content.
Then exercise your awareness, so you achieve these possibilities.
Then be aware of the certain energy that brings these about.
Example. If you did not know what harmony was like, you would
feel within what you think it would be like, then be there till feel vibe.
With the familiarity of the vibe you will have no problem to
contact the vibration again, so you are in control.
Then it is in your repertoire of vibrations, that makes you.
… As you venture into your good vibes and practice to maintain each,
you are cleansing out the unwanted of that area, so making room for the new.
This is spiritual progress… 2011-12…

Christmas 2024.
Tis my favorite time of year. With all the colorful lights and
many in jovial moods, it reflects what we should really be like.
Light is what makes us go. Light is what builds our world.
In darkness you do not want to go or to build, but to sit and stagnate.
Take time and many times to pause and reflect, in the light.
Be a Light of and in, your world. Lynne.


A 47. – 4 Basics Original.
… The Soul must be prepared through rejuvenation of the 5 energies.
Then it has the strength to fight the ‘Devil” or
negative areas of emotional and mental levels.
Each new level has to be fed these 5 energies.
When the Soul has gathered and strengthened these 5 energies,
it can feed the devil or negative with the positive and
this will change to become the original energies, “GOD”.
… It’s like water.
Lower the vibration level and it becomes Ice. (Devil).
Raise the vibrational level and it becomes steam. (GOD).
At this point most are water. (Humans) being influenced both ways.
… On this journey we learn to work with vibrations and
this is what all energy is.
Altering the vibration of anything changes the negative-Positive,
heavy-light, solid-liquid, visible-invisible, god-devil, high-low.
… This is how the vibrations create the world around you.
What are you creating with?
Pure energy, “God”. Life energy or vital energy. Original energy.
Original vibration, GOD”.
All cycles from and all will cycle back to the original.
Creation, Creator, …The One. (1990) .


A 48. – Balance Planet with Trees.
Why are they alarmed there is too much Carbon Dioxide in air?
it is only logical that would happen.
You imbalance carbon to oxygen and something has to give.
📌 Remember; plants sustain animals and animals sustain plants.
Plants breathe carbon Dioxide and animals breathe oxygen.
You take down the forests and which will be too abundant?
You have to maintain a balance within the aura of the earth.

Talk to plants. Psych them out.
Are they thirsty? This is an exercise to help you open psychically.
… All creatures are learning by this path.
(Even Plants; Read Secret Life of Plants
by Tompkins and Bird.
This is an eye opener that all should read.)

… If you poo-poo this idea read the next sentence.
(If you walk by something, that something learns to ignore you,
If you pay attention to that something, it will pay attention to you.)

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Go give your pet an extra hug to enlighten its day.
Talk to it and make it’s eyes happy. (2022).


A 49. – Check back on your thoughts, words and deeds.
Are you still keeping Happy glowing thoughts,
while going through your days’ work or are
those nasty thoughts sneaking in.
Now is the time to put a stop to it.

To go much further from here you need to be positive.
… This will be easier if your thoughts are not ones of,
getting even with someone. Or figuring out
how to tell someone off, or talking nasty of someone
to teach them a lesson.
Just thinking in this manner will bring the high vibes down
and cloud what Love and Happiness you have within.
… How do you expect to go to higher levels in positivity,
when you are still fighting over your thoughts, words and deeds.
… You have got to get the worms out of the worm wood
before it becomes an ornament.

… You should now see why it was and is important,
to work on positive thoughts.
Brush up on this while working this next week or two. (1980-90).

Keep Plants for your Oxygen.
–You may say that you kill plants.
Pick easy plants to maintain like Bamboo.
Just put in water, nothing else. Easy?

-Keep a schedule of all you should practice.
-Check thoughts words and deeds this week.
-Correct thoughts and phrases to positive.

… As we know well our positive tools,
then we work downward to bring, Spirit into physical.


A 50. – To go Deep.
… We wish True Happiness from the soul.
The deep central soul.
Find the source in deep chest.
You will know the spot when you find it.
Allow it to flow out,
Not through mind but through front chest! (2017-18).

… You are not truly mind, you are soul.
God Happiness is from the deep soul of central being.
Then is when you get the Elated Happiness and Joy to come.
If you have not been in soul before,
it will take a bit of practice to open and stay at.
Give yourself a week with daily practice,
and really get into True Happiness. (FP back chest.)
Then with eyes open, maintain it
and your world will truly be Happy. (2017-18).

Key Info.(Gem of Day).
… The two main energies in life are from fire and from water.
If you are low on energy, try collecting energy from Fire or Water
with a candle and a small water fountain.
… If you know the finger collection technique work with that also.
It is important to keep your energies topped for top healthy life.
How many times a day do you get down from low energy?
Learn these techniques and spend 15 min. a day buffing up.

Finger Energies.
… Sit and feel energy throughout physical.
Then put little fingertip to thumb and feel if it makes
any difference.
Then put index finger to thumb and feel if it is
difference from little finger to thumb. Lynne.. 2024..


A 51. – Weight Problems?
… If you are really overweight and you eat for that comforting feeling, try this.
Find where that comfort feeling comes from. (Chest upper stomach head area).
Put good energy there to gain that comfort, without food. All it is – is Energy.
Why do you over eat? First find that answer. Then see if you can accomplish the
good vibes without the food.
… Now as I have said, finding the vibe will not happen right away. Work with getting
the same comfort vibe repeatedly, for at least a week. Then make it stronger.
If it is a thought pattern, go to area thoughts come from and positize it.
It can be on several levels of mind as well. Learn to cleanse the mind. Fix it.
… Tip, If you know what time in general you eat most, before that time comes,
grab something you know you should eat – Eating Healthy. See if that saves you.
Fill with good food before you fill with sticky oil, pressurizing salt or hyper sugar.
Then after, have a PIECE of what you would normally have at that time.
… I use the term, Hesitating Your Fork. If suddenly you get hungry, Do Not, run to eat.
That makes it worse. Keep doing dishes, vacuuming floor or making dinner.
Tell yourself, ‘Yes you can eat, – but after I finish this. or
after I watch this program. etc., Hesitate eating. If stomach starts screaming
or your mind gets moody, again tell self, ‘Yes you will eat. Just a minute.
You will not starve. You can wait a minute. Not a problem. Be firm with self.
This is the baser self you are dealing with, the child within.
Teach it restraint always.
Lynne.. 2024.

For your Basic person within,
Buy a kids coloring book and pencil or crayons.
Every week color a picture for color therapy.
It will help with any deep knots you have. (2022?)


A 52. … Spiritual Growth can be stressful.
… Nutrition and exercise are just as important to the physical,
as a good vibe is to the spirit.
… The choice is yours. Use common sense.

… To rejuvenate self;
Plants and pets often give inspiration in a home.
They take your attention off problems to relieve your mind.
… They provide their energy to your home and environment,
which is often a simpler energy than your material problems.
Take advantage in all situations to rejuvenate from fatigue. (2017-18).

You ask How to Rejuvenate and Balance the planet?
Put it back as it was 100-150 years ago.
The whole of the lower mainland was a forest.
That sentence in itself tells you how imbalanced this area is.
And we are good compared to a lot of places. (2021).
Nature speaks. I am mother nature. Type this in net and watch. Truth.

Stay close to your youth, within.
Relax and Smile out in Harmony, then note how much better you feel.
Heal Thyself.

— Would you like big black and yellow butterfly’s about your home?
Plant birch and alder. They eat and lay their eggs here.
Its the natural trees that bring our nature to BC. 2024..


A 53. – Remember 📌
… All reactions are vibrations from within you.
You are the transformer and transform any energy
around and through you.
This is how you create your life.
… Be positive, this creates positivity.

… When you feel that the good vibes of medi
are more important than daily activities,
that is when you are on a Spiritual Path. (1990s). 1.

Youth Dance
… This is moving about, being as a child in vibe and thought.
Step back and forth or side to side,
bringing in the Happy Youth Energy to every cell of body.
… Movement brings circulation, thus brings energy.
What energy are you living by? … Change it! (2011-12).

… Water?
How many cups per day?
Now they say 10. Summer more. Protein! How much do you get?
Bloopers? Watch laugh and be Happy!


Very advanced…
A 54. – Are you in Armageddon?
… If you are one who has been badgered into a corner in life,
where if you go outside your box you feel bad stuff within?
If you are taking outside stuff to stop this bad stuff from coming?
You are not alone. I write this for I am in similar place.
… This type of feeling / situation, can happen most anywhere within you.
Although, This usually happens in emotional or material layers in self.
These areas are places where, there is a major block within you.
These areas can put you in an institute or back you into jail etc.
The only way around these is to conquer them. Face them.
… Now that sounds as if it is a death sentence but, it is OK.
It is OK to feel bad stuff so long as you do not react to it.
Shed three tears and relax. These areas will not kill you, but do not react.
This is where your intelligent mind, (The one that questions why you are so afraid).
The intelligent mind has to talk to you who is fearful or running.
When you get into this state, just sit there, do not run. Feel bad for 2 minute.
But, as you do realize it is just a vibe within that you are hovering in.
Sure it is trying to take over but do not let it. Smile at it.
If not possible shed a tear or two, then try again. Smiling brings positive.
This will help to take bad away. Keep smiling and you will feel a relief.
Put smile energy there but careful not to run, do not go away from it.
Allow bad to change.
… This is your good energy conquering the bad.
This is reason why we make positive strong, so to achieve this cleansing.
Purify self. It will not disappear right away.
A block has many spots but each spot you fix will make you feel better.
Hold on to the good smile energy as long as you can.
Watch as that spot changes to become happy. You are purifying the self.
Then next time you find area deal with that spot as it comes.
The good will always win, if you allow it to win. Do not hang around with bad.
This is Armageddon within, but you will win. Positive will win, always.
Lynne 2024.. 2.


A 55. – High School. – (Short Study).
Work Ethics for Spiritual Progress.
… To achieve the high steps you need to know
all the steps previously.
In knowing the steps it does not mean getting
a certain vibe and you are done.
Example, Happiness.
… In the beginning you probably spent 5-10 minutes
on it as a start.
You may have gotten to your familiar spot
which you have been several times before,
then for a day or two you did not have the time.
… The next day or two you forced yourself
to work on happiness maybe 15 – 1/2 hour.
In your mind you think this will make up
for the past few days that you may have
felt guilty. So on this day, maybe a week
later you strive and maybe make your
happy mark again.
There upon, you felt happy you had practiced.
Now, was that an accomplishment?

… No! …

If you didn’t go beyond where you normally go
when happiness appears, you did not strive
ahead one mm.
… Its like exercising in a gym.
If there is a machine that you need to work on,
for those particular muscles are lagging behind
and are being a hindrance with other
accomplishments you wish.
If you procrastinate and work on this machine 5 min.
Then get bored and work on another for
20 min and another etc.
Wow! You spent 2 hours in the gym!
Surely you did your duty
and achieved on this day. … Did you?

… No! Not on the machine you needed the most. (2017-18).


A 56. – (Happy).
… We all have the ability to be Bright Lights and there are many ways
to bring this about. All have the energies for positive vibrations within.
These energies have just been altered.
The channels are still there waiting to be awoken again.
All have this ability to alter themselves. They need only to
realize this potential within and then work towards bringing this forth.
When we find our path to this awakening,
we will be in harmony with self and know true happiness.

Watch the movie called Project Iceman, by Seek Discomfort.
In reality, this is our mission as well. EG. Thoughts of,
nobody can become a True Spiritual Person in our society.
We have too much to do. Who has time to meditate. We have to live life.
… So I ask you. Truly, What is life? (Lynne.. 2024..)

… Spend time reaching up into Joy.
You will feel more light when you are higher in vibration
and it will inspire you, giving you ambition to reach upward.
… When your negative gets the better of you, go inside quietly
and find the positive. It is almost like you have to sneak around,
as to not let the negative ego self know what you are doing.
Contact the positive and smile.
This often brings in better energies and positive has a chance
to regain control. — (1990).


A 57. – Being Free. (Home Study).
… Do a somersault,
dance around the room,
draw funny pictures, etc.
Do what you feel like doing. BE FREE!
Be yourself as younger,
have fun and keep your happy thoughts coming.
Get into the habit of being free and really enjoy self.
📌 Remember some of the little things you did
as a child, when playing alone. Do them again so
to bring back the joy you had then.
… As a child, you were freer and had more time to feel
and express the good vibes.
… Through the years, you have gathered many things in your
makeup that have clouded these good vibes of Love and Happiness.
As a result, the love comes out as the earthly loves
which are not free and as happy.
… Try to be as a child and you may remember
and regain the feelings and vibrations you had then. (1980-90s). 2.

When frustrated with a situation.
When frustrated with something that never works.
When the ”I Want,” or “I need,” aspect of self comes to the fore,
Seek Satisfaction.

… Simply turn off the negative and go to Satisfaction Channel.
If previously opened, instant satisfaction is felt.
To open put as much energy through as possible.
In other words, be the vibe and energy of Satisfaction, making
you feel Contentment.
… It’s like any other channel!
It needs to be known, and opened through exercise,
Put that energy through strongly, making it more of a habit.
You ask, Where is satisfaction Channel?
It has been given before. Look for it in central chest. Relax.
Practice! (2011-12).


A 58. – (Your Pathway). Advanced.
… The levels that you are Happy on at this point are cleansed.
The levels that you feel worry etc. are ones that need cleansing.
When you are in your comfort zone with friends
you are at a certain level of mind.
The negative normally comes out a bit lower than your comfort zone
for lower levels collect denser vibrations. This is natural.
These are the areas that need cleansing.
… Focus in on that Happiness and be it.
The more you be that Happiness
the stronger it gets and the more you become it.
But remember, that is on one level. There are many levels.

… The higher levels are a good place to learn of positive
for those levels are cleansed.
So first find the positive happiness and Be it. Shine it, Glow it.
It will automatically engulf you.
A lot of what happens spiritually is automatic.
The saying is knock and the door will be opened.
(2011-12 . For Peter). 2.


A 59. – Expanding Mind Chart. Advanced.

… If you have not, Please work for this before going on.
Once open to second chart live days within these areas till
there are two in front and two in back.
… Eventually one will be in upper head and another in lower head.
The other two will gravitate to upper back head and lower back head.
These will be your 4 main centers of mind areas in future.
What is happening is you are opening to a whole new world.
Front is of material
Back is of spiritual or passive so open. (2011-12).

Expanding Mind.
This happened to me when reaching up with highs. As you get into upper head
with highs you will reach higher and feel you can reach over top head.
It may seem you are not going higher but it is an opening.
Reach from top head area over crown towards opposite side of head.
You instantly feel the opposite side of head is opening so you can go there easily.
Your whole head becomes alert. This step may already be working for you
if you have had great joy in your life. or maybe if you have meditated before.
If you feel the back of your head is just as aware as front head, then
it is already expanded from life’s doings. Work with it and
if you feel the cycles of mind go all the way around head
as in up back and down front, you have already expanded mind.
In this way you will cleanse full cycle rather than only front face.
Lynne.. 24..


A 60. – Team Elation
… Were you on a high and most elated, when your
favorite team won within seconds of the buzzer?
You could be that elated again, right now!
How many days were you on top of life after that elation?
Three or four days?
… So if you practiced to get there with ease and wished to
stay there for your life, you would only need to
get that every 3-4 days to live there permanently.
You could do that! You may ask, How is that possible?
Think for a minute.

… When Elated to that height, it is energy
of great magnitude going through your person.
This energy came through your physical so it is possible
for it to come again. But your habitual energy level
is in your way. If you got to a point, where you habitually
put elated energy through, you would be able to be there readily.

How do you do that, you may ask? … Easy!
Practice till a high state is your norm.
(2020-21). 1.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Go out and Breathe on your plants to say, I Love you.
(Oxygen makes us happier, so
carbon dioxide should make plants happier.) (2022).


A 61. – Tips for Excavation on Spiritual Path.

… If working on happy, find a piece of music
that makes happiness comes through easier.
This is same for all energies.

… If wish to jump to higher grade,
you must know happiness well.
Where is the source?
Show me a Happy Face, without smiling. (2017-18).

Peace. Important.
Relax and find that Peace within your life.
When you find the Peace vibration,
practice it so to find it easier next time. (2023.)..

Finger Energies. Interesting.
… Sit and feel energy throughout physical.
Then put little fingertip to thumb and feel if it makes
any difference.
Then put index finger to thumb and feel if it is
difference from little finger. (2017-18).


A 62. – Maintaining Your Health.
… Through all the hours of stillness
you should move to get energy flowing, so add exercises.
… All need to breathe, not only for the energy but also,
for the oxygen, another essential element of life.

… Protein is the basic substance of every cell.
Often people do not get enough in a day.
If you are a lazy person, a minimum of 60g
is required per day.
If you are a working person you should try for 80g.
Hint; Large egg 6g,
Hamburger 10-15g,
Normal portion of meat probably 20g.
Large half cup mixed seeds – nuts 20g.

(Constipated? Chew your food.)

… Protein and other nutrients become especially important
in later years. All our cells of now will be replace within a year.
How you treat your physical now is how it will react later.
If you lack protein and other nutrients, how do you expect
the physical to build healthy cells for future years?
The body is not magical. If your body uses up the storage of protein
it had from birth, and is not replenished regularly,
the physical will break down. Only logical. Eat your protein.


A 63. – You must be weak to do Gods works?.
… It has come to my attention of the fact that
people believe you have to be weak,
feeble and imperfect for god to work with you.
This is not true. Be as good and strong as you can.
What needs to be bending is the ego.
The material person still needs to progress
with gods beauties and adventures, but
when it is time for God or High powers to be exercised,
your ego must be willing to bend and be weak or
subside to the will of God. God’s Will not yours.
There is a fine line there.
The material person should not be influenced in thinking
it has to be weak.
… Well, you would not live long and not be healthy.
God has to Use your instrument to do any works
upon the physical level.
If your physical is weak and ego is strong
you will soon be laid to rest.
On the other hand, if your physical is healthy and strong,
but your Ego is weak and bending,
God’s powers will be strengthened through the ability
and endurance of the physical body
to do more powerful things upon the physical plain.
Its Ego that has to be weakened but a better word
would be un-desiring, not interested in life. – (2017). 2.


A 64. – High School. – Advanced.
Glimpse of Mind Channels.
… Have you ever noticed that when you are happy,
you seem to be expressing higher in face and
when you are sad or depressed you are lower in face?
Why is this?

Try this for yourself.
… Be happy and put finger on small area you are
expressing through on your face.
… Then be sad and put finger on that area of face
you’re expressing from. There will be a gap between these two.
Go back to the happy point and try making the area
between happy and sad points, happier.
There will be several channels in this between area,
and you will notice that as you go towards the sad area
the energy you express through,
will be tainted more and more with sadness.

Do not let this happen.

… As you go down, make yourself be as happy as you were
in the happy point you started with.
… Then go away from this practice into another room for a few minutes.
Then come back and focus out same areas.
You will find that they are all happy or much better than before.
You have cleansed a few channels within one cycle of your mind.
… Now that you know this area you could go to any channel there
and be in control putting through the energy you wish.
What you put through any channel leaves a blueprint in that area.
But watch what you put there, for it will grow for future cycling.
… If you go through all areas as this and put positive,
altering the negative there, your total being would know
and be more in control of the happier more positive energies.
With this you could cleansing the self and know how you are doing
and where to go next.
I found this extremely helpful in my journey.
… If one is aware of mind cycles and puts positive energies there,
not negative, purification of self is much swifter. (2017-18).


A 65. – Important for Next Grade.. (Happy-On).
… First work on Highs. This is felt in the upper head,
like the inside of you is trying to push its way out.
It makes your head feel swollen.
Try to acquire this feeling now. If you cannot find it,
try making yourself sad and disappointed.
Then rise up to be happy and joyous.
With this you should feel a lifting in the head,
or a lightening feeling.
Practice finding Highs every day for a week and you
will know how to get there in a second. (1980-90).

Spirituality comes down from above head.
… This is why we first reach up.
You open the door, then as you auto descend,
cleansing, the higher comes into cleansed areas.
Its your responsibility to cleanse the self.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Go give your pet an extra hug to enlighten its day.
Talk to it and make it’s eyes happy. (2022).


A 66. – (Home Study). Very Important….
Work on the strength of happiness, 😎
breaking your mundane happiness for progress.
Then, try keep that degree of Happiness throughout your day.
… Use music that expounds Happiness and within a week
you will feel more Joy and Happiness
in your soul and activities.
… There are many on Net with meditation music. 🎧

Its the Love and Happiness that counts.
… If a person needs to learn not to hate others,
if they filled with Love, where is room for hate?
… If one needs to learn not to be jealous of others,
when they fill with Love and Peace, they are content,
and who needs to be jealous of someone if they are
Happy and Content within themselves? (1990s).
Energy control is the answer.

… When you feel that the good vibes of medi
are more important than daily activities,
that is when you are on a Spiritual Path. (1990s).

To help get your Brownie Points,
When you see someone struggling, go carry their
groceries home. (To their place, not yours. 😎 )


A 67. – Future Endeavors,
Step Four, Your Weapons

… These weapons are basically
Love Peace Harmony and security.
Now you may sit there and think. ‘Well I know these,
I rarely use some of them,
but I have felt these in my life. What the heck!
I will just go on and work with these later.’

… HOLD ON, you have heard of these as most have
and maybe you have exercised these off-and-on
within the past years, but
if you were laden with problems and at your ropes end
would these 4 simple weapons save you?
Have you practiced to shine these forth when in much fear?
Have you achieved control of these 4 weapons so…
when Ego acts up and says,
(I don’t care, I will do it my way!)
Even when it’s the wrong way, Would you pass this test?
… Can You save yourself and alter your course
against Ego’s will?
Its hard to do, I know, but its security for when
open Spiritually.
You must have control over self,
then you are freed to do Gods Will. (2017-18).

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