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New Streamline 2 Study 1.

Extra Heat Wave. (2021).
If you are in the heatwave, please put out
a saucer of water for anything stumbling by. Ha-ha.
Even insects come purely for a drink then circle and leave.
Can they smell water?
2024 – Bee came and hovered then landed and drank. Then flew out of sight.

Spiritual-Digs is likened to the mining for jewels.
Digging out treasure chests from the dark tunnels of self,
to choose, excavate and polish each Gem of growth.


Streamline 2, Study A College. Count A 50. B 55.

(Altered Jan 8.) Written from 1980-2024. Re Arranged Nov 2024.


Christmas 2024.
Tis my favorite time of year. With all the colorful lights and
many in jovial moods, it reflects what we should really be like.
Light is what makes us go. Light is what builds our world.
In darkness you do not want to go or to build, but to sit and stagnate.
Take time and many times to pause and reflect, in the light.
Be a Light of and in, your world. Lynne.

Your Instructions.
If you spend 2-3 minutes reading 2-3 entries.
Then sit and think for 3-5 minutes of what you read.
You will pass beginning files without a doubt.
Later, if you spend a few minutes on acquiring steps talked of. Progress.
If not you will find the later steps are in a different language.
Not in your reach physically or mentally. Be prepared. Recycle Study.


If the study below is too advanced for you, go to left of page under
Fairy-Tale or High School. This page will recycle to beginning in time.


Your Job.
Finding Your Place in Your Mind.
… To find where you are in mind channels, stare at what you are looking at,
but also be aware inside your physical brain.
As you are aware of your brain, feel where your awareness is coming out into world.
Not eye focus, Blur your eyes. It could be anywhere in the cycle around total head.
This is more the traveling awareness and needs to express positive.
Now that you know the level you are cycling on, keep eyes blurred and
go deeper, into physical brain where your feelings and thoughts are forming.
Again, it could be anywhere within that cycle, along the inviable line.
When you find that second area, that is area you need to start cleansing.
Make thoughts and emotions better through awareness channel and your awareness
starts to move slightly and slowly within your cycle.
The deeper one within, stays still. I call this one your residential area.
This one will only move when its last cycle is made positive.
… Now the awareness area you do not move, but let it move of its own accord.
It expresses your thoughts and feelings of the more stationary residential level.
When stationary level is cleansed it too will move slightly so to cleanse anew.
Express positive through awareness and you cleanse thinking stationary level.
Liken awareness to an orbiting planet. Allow it to lead you as you be aware.
The awareness will move slightly, even within 5 minutes of time.
It will only move a quarter or eighth of an inch, but after 10 min,
you will note you are definitely coming from a different place.
But you will feel, your residential area will still be in same location.
Observe self and you will learn to travel by your will to cleanse total self.
..Lynda (2023.)..
Listen to positive music you like and positive comes forth cleansing your mind,
thus moving your awareness through its cycle. Cleansing Mind Channels.

Each step that is given, whether at beginning or end, should be
practiced daily in order for you to keep up with literature.
This is especially true as get into higher study as now.
In some higher learning you have to know the steps before.
If not you will have no idea what is meant. Learn as you go Please.

Do Not Lose Sight of the Light.


B 38. – (Happy-On).
Following Your Path through Your Hunches.
… You should by now be getting the hunches of where to travel
and what this vibe or state is to you.
This is the ethereal guidance telling you what to do.
I spent most of my climb following the hunches or
feelings that I felt were right.
… There were times when, things said in physical life,
were arrows to me, but that was only because my awareness
was heightened when this hint was suggested or told to another.
You should learn to go on own. Keep your feelers out and
make your journey. I cannot tell you what to do.
If open enough to have strong hunches, go on ahead.
Do not wait for me to tell you something.
… From here the writings go further into mind channels and
4 basic energies, but you have to learn yourself and
follow your own wisdom within.
The ethereal will connect you to thus.

… There is a lot more study written on paper but until you
can show me you are far enough along,
All the advanced charts will not help you a bit,
for they are on a different level than what you are on
and would make no sense. Text me and talk.

… These writings will take you to god within the self,
the Akashic records, oneness and bliss. My higher selves
would take my life over for months into years and I would
come back feeling as a stranger but renewed. (2020-21) .2.


B 39. – (4 Basics).
… As FP goes along it swings to high in forehead top head
or low into nose mouth areas.
… When the auto mind cycling goes to back upper head or lower,
FP will still focus out front areas of high or low
but they will filter through the back head mind channels.
This is all fine and dandy but when the mind cycles travel
into negative areas of back head upper or lower, the problems
will influence this one through the focus channels at front.
Thus, FP has to Open the back mind cycles by
making itself live from back mind channels.
With proper meditation, being stationary in back
this should open back Mind Channels.

Then you will cleanse with positive energies, as you open back.
If not, it will take you years to clear one of these areas, so will
continue being negative and feeling down, depressed or angry.

… If the higher of your focus channels at front,
in forehead or top head are in positive, and the
lower focus channel in nose mouth areas
are under negative influence from blocks in back head,
you will yo-yo to the high then to the low auto.
… We always have our high times and our low times. that is normal.

If high and low mind channels are positive and cleared
through the positive energies, you will not become negative low.
Life will be in the higher always,
even when you are in your low times. Total (2017-18)…
You will be cleansed and forever happy,
(till you create more blocks.) Habit.


B 40. – Are you in Armageddon?
… If you are one who has been badgered into a corner in life,
where if you go outside your box you feel bad stuff within?
If you are taking outside stuff to stop this bad stuff from coming?
You are not alone. I write this for I am in similar place.
… This type of feeling / situation, can happen most anywhere within you.
Although, This usually happens in emotional or material layers in self.
These areas are places where, there is a major block within you.
These areas can put you in an institute or back you into jail etc.
The only way around these is to conquer them. Face them.
… Now that sounds as if it is a death sentence but, it is OK.
It is OK to feel bad stuff so long as you do not react to it.
Shed three tears and relax. These areas will not kill you, but do not react.
This is where your intelligent mind, (The one that questions why you are so afraid).
The intelligent mind has to talk to you who is fearful or running.
When you get into this state, just sit there, do not run. Feel bad for 2 minute.
But, as you do realize it is just a vibe within that you are hovering in.
Sure it is trying to take over but do not let it. Smile at it.
If not possible shed a tear or two, then try again. Smiling brings positive.
This will help to take bad away. Keep smiling and you will feel a relief.
Put smile energy there but careful not to run, do not go away from it.
Allow bad to change.
… This is your good energy conquering the bad.
This is reason why we make positive strong, so to achieve this cleansing.
Purify self. It will not disappear right away.
A block has many spots but each spot you fix will make you feel better.
Hold on to the good smile energy as long as you can.
Watch as that spot changes to become happy. You are purifying the self.
Then next time you find area deal with that spot as it comes.
The good will always win, if you allow it to win. Do not hang around with bad.
This is Armageddon within, but you will win. Positive will win, always.
Lynne 2024.. 2.


B 41. – Mind Channels in Levels.
… Stay in emotional or your residential level and reach
from there into all 4 of Mental Emotional Spiritual Material.
Then change your residency to material level
and reach into all 4 from there. As you get to spiritual
level and if at all flexible. You will just open.
… You will suddenly go from being stuck in face area
to expand above head and feel an ark over whole head.
If you feel you are in back head, also it will open to front.
Then like opening a whole new area, you will be just as aware
of mind channels in back and in front.
Keep that open. A major step.
This happens in Mind Expansion Chart.

… To know Mind Channels must be able to separate mind
from emotions and have opened crown some.
Practice to be aware of, will help.
… The emotions put a cloud over you.
When you are tired of being in a cloud of emotions
you will reach to find the Bridge to Freedom
and rise above the material emoticons.
Your emotions will become Light and Happy as a child.

… It is not the mind cleansing that brings the Light.
Mind cleansing, clears the path of obstacles
so the Light can shine forth.
The Light is always there in high altitudes and will come
lower into all levels, each in turn through the cleansing.
These clouds of the lower levels are placed there
by your attitudes and all the negative responses you put forth.
You put them there, so you have to deal with them.
That is life.
… Mind Channels are traveled auto.
But if there’s a problem, you can psych out area
it’s coming from, cleanse that spot then go on auto again.
(2017-18). 2.


B 42. – This is for FP (Shows block I had years ago.)
Note the direction I followed for cycling when FP.
Also note the length of time. It was a fairly major block.
Each mark shows where I left off to remind me. I worked 3-4
times a day on this. When you finish a cycle around head, the
major focus area changes slightly. Then you go round again.
Areas that have no problems go fast and you travel regardless
if you know it or not. Its when you get stuck that you become
trapped in bad feelings. Push extra strong happiness and
when you have worked for a few minutes on area,
go back to start of cycle and quickly trod again to area.
Note that you don’t get stuck in same place.
Then you know you are improving self through cleansing.

Mind Channel Cleansing – (My Block.)
… Introduction
… Close eyes and feel where your focus point is coming out,
along the invisible line up and over head,
down central forehead, nose, central mouth and chin.
… Once you find your focal point, go a fourth inch up
along the central invisible line.
Do you feel happier? If not go higher
Now go down one inch. Do you still feel happy?
Maybe slightly tainted with sadness.
Go another inch down into mouth or chin area, where you are sad.

Now with Mind expansion which you should have gone through, you open whole head,
not just front. Then you can complete total cycles. If you have not expanded mind,
most of this literature will be Chinese to you. You will not feel or understand.
This is cleaning the Mind Channels. 2017-18.. 2.


B 43. – Briberies for Heaven?
… Some still believe, if you go to church each Sunday and pay your tithings
or better still go find some water and throw a bit of change there,
(Pennies will do). That the Lord will have pity upon you and let you in.
Ha Ha. Do you not think the Lord knows, that is bribery?
… For one, there are no gates and there are no heavens or hells.
Neither above you nor below you. (Speaking for the other side of world.)
It is a state of mind.
… These are myths created in past to make people Pay,
all they had (to the Church), so to be saved from a so called monster.
What happened to, God so loves all creatures, the great and the small.
Is not Godly, to be positive and do to others as you would have done to you?
Or are we to be bribing and lying to our father in Heaven, hoping
he does not know. Ha Ha,
… God and anything godly is very deep, into the heart and soul of a person.
God can see through all you do. He has seen all excuses, all briberies.
Remember, he knows all, sees all and is all. You cannot hide from Dad.
God is looking for the innocents of a child. etc. He forgives all,
but as a father he knows a child will learn by its mistakes.
Free Will. So he will let all go, play the game of life, (a good teacher.)
Those who leave here and do not come back are saved by their well doings.
They are the ones who are in heaven. And around and around we go.
May heaven help us! Ha Ha.
Lynda.. (2022).


B 44. – Key Info. – Exercise.
… Where do you express Harmony in Mind area, and in Body area.
Explore 4 Basics structure of Mind Set and Body Set.
When you are more open and know the energies better,
you just need think of the vibration and that energy
will fill you.
… The energies start to get a mind of their own. God?
God is the essence of all things, thus God is in all energy!
We are made in the image of God!
What are we, but Energy. Right!
It’s like, when someone paints a picture,
you can sense who’s picture it is,
especially if lined up with other paintings.
Just as God, the artist leaves their vibration
within the picture, for they created it from their mind.
You influence a lot more than you think.
(2017-18). Must know Head and Body 4 Basics. (Start at Streamline 1.)

For bombardment, Tin Foil helps stop energy flow….

… Sometimes you will feel like someone is
talking to you yet you hear nothing but air.
Keep listening and keeping mind open.
Wisdom is being fed to you subconsciously.
Listening on the material level
helps to bring it to the material level
even if you do not hear it now. You will know it soon.
As you open higher minds this starts happening.
Also the right music will help. (2022).

For your Brownie Points today,
If you see someone struggling, go carry their
groceries home. (To their place, not yours. 😎.)


B 45. Mind Channels…
… To this day I am still unsure of the exact reversal
of energy paths for the different polarities.
This is because I went to Low soul which again changes many paths.
… Anyone taking this has to do as I have done
and figure through trial, what is the correct path for them.
It will be similar, for all creatures are the same in most species.

EG. Most creatures have their eyes higher than their nose,
so with that fact, most would have energy flows much the same.
Only the odd creature is odd. EG. The Skates of the sea. (2021).

Youth Dance.
… This is moving about, being as a child in vibe and thought.
Step back and forth or side to side,
bringing in the Happy Youth Energy to every cell of body.
… Movement brings circulation, thus brings energy.
What energy are you living by? … Change it! (2011-12).


B 46. – (Happy-On).
… In top head as reaching up with highs,
you’ll feel a spike of light going up.
Follow this spike and open top head areas.
Tip; When reaching up do not view humans.
You will reach beyond most humans quickly.
I am not saying this to down humans.

Glowing forth, Tears of Joy.
… We have levels to go through to get to top head.
Each level has a cycle around head. (Mind Cycle)
… The most important aspect in cleansing, is the Glow
through the cycles. That will cleanse the negative away.
… To get to top head is important when going up levels,
but this is also the time to perfect the Glow
in each cycle around head. For after you reach top head
you will cycle down again auto, front or back.
So cleanse and Glow now in preparation!

Not reliant on anything. Created by God to You.
Low soul the inner love is felt from upper belly up to mid chest.
High soul the inner love is felt from throat down to solar plexus. (low chest)
This Inner Love should be strengthened much
to open these areas for the Divine Love to flow forth.
This will help make the division between true Love and material love.
Grow and collect this energy to strengthen for yourself first.
You cannot give something out until you know and have it for yourself.
When known well you can find the path, to give this pure energy to others.
Then it will not be inclined to go anywhere, to mix and dilute with any energy.
Energy can become anything just by going into other energies. Find the direct path.
But the one or many you put this pure energy towards, will also dilute the energy.
If you put it out pure, you reap from that energy. Always your choice.
Lynne.. 2023. 2.


B 47. – Trees Matter.
Go to net and type in, using drones to plant 20 million trees.
We need as many trees as there was 100 years ago or more.
This program explains why. Is Canada doing similar.
All countries should follow suit.
… I do not mean pay a dollar, I mean plant trees or go to a company for
help and ask what to do.
How many trees burned last year. The year before, and the year before.
Each year more and more forests burn.
What are we going to do about this. Let them all burn.
Plant greenery now.
… Already is an imbalance between plant and animal.
We are co-existent for the air we breathe. Each balances other out.
Something must be done..2022..
Anyone in Canada can get FREE trees to plant. Look it up.

You ask How to Rejuvenate and Balance the planet?
Put it back as it was 100-150 years ago.
The whole of the lower mainland was a forest.
That sentence in itself tells you how imbalanced this area is.
And we are good compared to a lot of places. (2021).
Nature speaks. I am mother nature. Type this in net and watch. Truth.

— Plants and pets often give inspiration in a home.
They take your attention off problems to relieve your mind.
… They provide their energy to your home and environment,
which is often a simpler energy than your material problems.
Take advantage in all situations to rejuvenate from fatigue. (2017-18) 1.


B 48. – Knowing Vibrations.
… Love and Peace should be at your will.
So practice these basic energies and you will
feel this even in a couple of days. Practice.

… Feel different energies and what they bring with them.
When you come up with a question, try to answer it yourself
before asking or reading about it.
If it doesn’t turn out to be what you thought,
put it down on paper and later it may give you insight
to a different way. Go within self and listen to your hunches.
You know the saying. ‘It popped out of thin air!”
Well that may be exactly what happens.
This will help you to further know yourself.
Keep a happy high throughout your days.
(1990s). 2.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
This is the first day of the rest of your life.
What would you like to do. Attempt that today. (2022).

Finger Energies.
… Sit and feel energy throughout physical.
Then put little fingertip to thumb and feel if it makes
any difference.
Then put index finger to thumb and feel if it is
difference from little finger to thumb. More later.


B 49. – Chart 12 (of all levels) (Chart 1 of Mind ch Study)
High Soul.

… In Chart 12, focus mind awareness through all dots
along the invisible line, up and over head.
When you focus awareness out each point it alters the channel.
If the energy being focused out is positive, peaceful, and happy,
it will change any negative imprint of that pinpoint channel.
In time you need to be aware and focus through all points of the head.
This positive energy flow will cleanse the cycles around head.
… Some points will be harder to get into than others.
You will tend to bypass areas that have problems.
So knowing the sequence of channels is a plus.
When you get into an area that is blocked, you will know,
there are channels there but the blocked area will repel you.
It is better to try cleanse this now, for life
has ways of making you face your fears.


B 50. – The Future?
… If you know oneness and are in and out at your will.
Is it the lower levels that are keeping you tethered to the earth?
Could there be still garbage blocks there? You know what to do.
There are many more layers of mind. Look on Backyard chart.

If you know the higher self, follow its guidance.
Does it wish to accomplish things through you?
What does it say. Always follow positive.
Know higher personality well so you know it is truthful.
The Real Thing!
… If questionable find a higher more spiritual self.
Never follow one that seems lower than you or even of your level.
Then you are influenced to travel higher in your endeavors. Progress!

If you have accomplished the above and have explored your backyard,
You have much guidance to carry on with. The key is cleansing.
Then you know where to go and what to do.

… Once you grow up spiritually and know the path,
it is up to your higher guidance to lead.
Get rid of garbage for it wishes to lead as well. Your choice.

Next would be higher levels or and lower levels.
When you know the God Presence, that is a major goal reached.
But even so, it is your higher guidance that guides.

God Presence does not give you orders. God is indifferent.
GOD is an Essence, a Presence. A Force.
It Grants what you deeply wish.
So Be aware, for there is No Right or Wrong in God’s Kingdom.
But … What you give out will come back to YOU. (It is Your Energy.)
Thus … Do Unto all, As you would have All do Unto You.

That may be shocking to some.
… Within my mind, I liken it to a child creating a science experiment.
If you create a world for things to live on.
Once you set up the chain reactions of life, the creation would go on own.
It may take much tinkering but once created it would run smoothly.
Just make sure the battery is working and leave it be.
If in balance, it runs smoothly. If not it falters. Galaxies likewise.
(Our Free Will interferes.)
I do not like this any more, it grows too tall.
Get rid of it its too weedy. I want a clean looking yard. No leaves.
I am tired of this mess, put in artificial stuff, less work.
Lynda. 2023… 2.


B 51. – (4 Basics).
If stressed, what energy will help?
Where are 4 Basic Energies in chest? What are they used for?

… Mind channels are traveled auto.
But if there is a problem,
you can stay in that area to psych it out.
As in, where the bad vibes are coming from.
Then cleanse that spot, then go on auto again. Mastery!

At this time in development, you may feel you are too open at times.
You may feel bombarded, especially if negative happening around you.
This is the time to work on your closing off option.
If you do not know how, you may have problems, feeling invaded.
Simply close off by taking mind and awareness into central being.
High Soul is low chest area and Low Soul is upper stomach area.
Be within self and only within self.
A few practices of true closing off, will make it easy when needed. 2022.. 2.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Go make someone laugh today.
(2022). 2.

… When was the last time you let your mind wander
and not think of anything in particular?
This helps the mind to balance life and your surroundings
around you.
Like a computer, shut off.
You will find it helps with ambition and organization skills.
You will not run as a rusty wheel. (2017-18).


B 52. – Mind Channel areas.
Below is another chart of where the mind channel energy lives.
Each of the minds will use each of the 4 areas in turn.
Once you open total head, (or expand mind awareness)
these 4 areas will be very familiar to you.
They are the general areas of Spiritual, Mental Emotional and Material.
Before your mind expanded to engulf total head, you were living in face areas
of spiritual mental emotional and material, all at front.
That is in chart where spiritual is from top front head,
mental is from forehead, emotional is from nose area and
material is from mouth area. Remember.
This Chart is for after you expand mind.
I have many Charts of my journey but only use what is needed.

To help get your Spiritual Brownie Points,
Relax and sit back as you listen to the birds. (2022).


B 53. – (4 Basics).
If you do not know 4 Basics go back and study.
… For these to be felt strongly and precisely you should be
in medi state or passive in back of self,
When Not in an expressing outward state.
If you do not know what I mean
you are not meditating long enough or often enough.
This state is needed so you can focus more acutely on your
energies within, instead of activity on physical levels.
For if in situation when these energies are needed
to be put to use or come to the fore,
you must tune directly into energy personality,
or the source center of, to make a definite difference.
If you have been meditating daily for last many weeks
you should be ready for 4 Basics.
… We will start with the inside energy first.
That is Peace and Harmony.

OK… For Head Set in FP of High Soul (the most common state)
Peace source is felt in upper back head. For this,
remember to relax and be in passive side with eyes open.
If you have to work with being passive, with eyes open,
you are not ready, for this to be of use on physical level.
You need to exercise, being in back top head
throughout your active day.
This goes with Harmony also, which is in top front head.
— With all the opening of energy channels as in,
general glow output, along with happiness and Highs,
you should feel these energy centers right away.
You open these by being within the centers themselves.

For above steps you must know your polarity as well.
Since nobody has asked me in the many years I have had my web,
I assume you have been told by another
who has experienced polarity change.
That’s good, for not many people have, knowingly.
If there was more polarity changing knowingly,
you would certainly read of it in books
for it is very different and effects much within.

😊 Smile

Are you happy?
If not find a mirror…


B 54. – First sequence practiced 1980s. (Happy-On).
… Now let us get into the meat of the matter.
Introduction: It gets exciting in this part, I know.
This was very inspiring to me once I realized
what each energy was and how to channel it.
You who have come this far should be relatively at peace,
with no deep anger or resentment toward anything.
These steps are for future opening of channels,
allowing greater energies to come.
The name I gave these is H. E. L.

… HIGHS, High in vibration, not acquired by
drink or drugs. That is an earthly method and can harm you.
ENERGY Cosmic Energy bringing Security.
LOVE True Love, the Inner Glow.

… Each step above called HEL, should be taken one at a time.
Highs into Heaven, God’s Energy and God’s Love.
You may at times feel 2 of the three coming forth,
but that’s OK, let it come. It is said one at a time because
we would jumped from one to the other until we realized,
a thinner spread of consciousness was not as effective.
When you know and experience the three separately,
then you can join another up and then the third.
… Sit now and work on the Love, shining it forth to all. (1990s).

Working on higher Highs will be of priority in near future.


B 55. Back Yard. Collage.
… With this workbook now, you will work on own more and more,
for you know the basics.
You are the one you have to rely upon. Not I, nor anyone else.
Keep going and text or reply at end of this page,
with any questions you have. Back Yard.

Terrain above head, your backyard.

… Work in each area shown to get used to that area.
Repeat Workbooks as often as you need to.
There is no point in putting, an unknown foreign language in front of you.
You are the one you have to rely upon. Not I, nor anyone else.
* Highs will open doors to above head. Keep reaching up.

============ Above. 55


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