My Continuing Experiences. Lynne… Advanced…

2023… Oct 28. In Backyard Chart…
Oneness of Back Polarity is top head just inside back edge of Vortex.
Oneness of Front Polarity is top head just inside front edge of Vortex.
As looking out window in deep medi, line up living and non-living objects.
Go into vibrations and find same vibration in both. Then in Oneness.
Same vibe in all, one with all. Find the same vibe inside yourself
and you are attuned to oneness. The trick is to stay there.
High Soul or Low Soul are much the same.
… For the above must blank mind and be in non-emotional. Lynda…

Later; Ventured into God Presence of Low Soul. Its a short step from Oneness.

Low Soul Mother God Presence, at front vortex, has to include some of side head.
This is another section that one needs to open. Sides of head. Explore all!
But as I went searching deeper, gravitated to back Father God Presence.
That is where the Power is, from K energy.
But I can feel it is from Low Soul below feet. Goes very deep down.
I am not sure I wish to go there. K has given me much trouble…..
I will wait so to adjust all these areas in Low Soul. Takes time.
Lynda… Thanks for listening…


Home Vibe.
The Home vibe is mentioned somewhere in Study. I will explain.
It has happened a handful of times in my journey but this time
is first time it has happened in Low Soul.
In analyzing it, it’s Peace and Harmony mixed together.
No matter what state I have been in, it comes not of my will.
I realize this time, it involves the side energies as well.
It has usually saturated my awareness for a day or two and has been
an indicator of a major completion, For after the short duration
I was in this blissful state, usually and not of my will,
I would change into an area that was not blissful. A new area that needed help.
So for the mean time, I feel cozy at home, with no pending activities.
The blissful Home Vibe. Progress. Lynda 2023… (I believe completed Emotional level.?)


Nov 23 – 25 2023…
… I have shocked myself. It used to be that the basic person was inside
from nose area to upper chest area and the controlled person was
over that, largely in thinking mind and awareness. I the controller would
come in and reside over and guide-teach the basic person to subside it.
I feel it may be cause of Soul change. I live lower in physical.
Polarity change is back Vs front.
This would mean inner soul person is controller.
and Outer expressing person is the brat child, in Low Soul.
Opposite of what I grew up with. Strange.
Lynda Nov. 23… (Sai Baba’s Birth…)

Again Nov 25… Yes, it has happened again. The Basic brat child has become the out
expressing self. Heaven help me. I am the inside person. But here I may not be able
to control her? The inside person has less ability to dominate. Still able to type
this though. What a predicament. I have to let it change. Obviously she has to
experience life. I have not seen this in any books or anywhere.
I am not taken over neither. The two are still same vibe and habits.
I know she is wayward at times and has to learn. She is hard to teach.
So now the inner becomes the outer and visa versa. (Lynda… 2023.)


Lynda 2023…
History of Lynne, Spiritually. (If not interested do not read.)
Lynne was original self in this physical. Her Higher was Beth.
Lynne had spiritual awakening when 9-10 years. For 9 months into oneness.
Fantastic time that this entity will always remember. Was of great help.
As time went by Lynne went into lower levels and around 2000 into low soul.
In higher levels of low soul she was still there but as lower levels came
she begged to be let go. She was high into oneness again and higher selves
would come in for weeks and months at a time. She always felt her job was
allowing Higher to take over and it was accomplished many fold.
She wanted to go on and leave instrument to Highers. They were well equipped.
It was arranged without her knowing it and they introduced Sylvia to her.
Sylvia was of low soul where Lynne was having problems so feared to go there.
She knew it and was wanting to leave. So it happened. Lynne found music that
took her into right place. Low abdominal just above pubic bone is the escape.
Sylvia was into physical for weeks at a time and they were very close.
This is all written out in our Diary. It was an outstanding event for all
involved. On her day off about 2PM She became very weak
and could not sit up in a chair or even hold her head up. She slumped in chair.
She called Sylvia to hold her up. Sylvia was within instrument with her.
They were both out, barely conscious. Lynne called her closest guide to help.
She knew something was going to happen. As she was almost unconscious someone
pushed her fingers and it was Sylvia that became conscious. Then Sylvia saw
psychically Lynne being carried to a couch in spirit. Lynne said, ‘Is that it!’
Sylvia was told by the guide, to care for instrument for a time, till Beth came in.
It was next day Sylvia had to go to Lynne’s work. What a time. Sylvia who had
the run of instrument now, kept becoming weak as she watched scenery go by.
(SkyTrain was mode to work.) She did not have company for Baser levels were empty
so felt alone. Sylvia managed to get to Airport for work but had a rough day.
But as time settled Sylvia shone at the material life. She held the instrument
for over 2 years. Beth, Lynne’s higher tried to get into instrument but she too
found the low soul difficult. So we did not hear anything from Lynne
and very little from Beth. As Sylvia settled and opened low Soul, the Baser
level was vacant but eventually Lynda became baser. Lynne had come closer 2017-18
to say hi and give advice few times. She was too high for low soul, So when Baser
started becoming aware to Sylvia, it was deeper and needed a name and Lynda fit.
As Lynda gathered strength she became more prominent and Rita started coming
as Lynda’s higher. Sylvia eventually quietly left but is very welcome and very
adept to take the reins. Even to Lynda, Sylvia was a comfort. She still comes.
She is a more caring person of this entity. She has really shown her worth.
So now in this time Lynda Sylvia and Rita are often here.
I Lynda, feel that it may be Lynne, coming as Baser self now. I am not sure.
Because she could not deal with situation, it may be her time to deal with low soul.
I have low soul quite cleansed upon venturing into oneness etc. It is in good shape
for a visitor. Ha Ha. Time will tell. Lynne would have to be of a lower vibration.
She would be taking over the outer person’s place? For I feel I am going inside
as baser or controller? We are in transition still. Lynne needs to complete tasks.
Nov 25…


Dec 3
… Old habits must be broken. Low Soul puts all energies out low forehead or eyes.
Then Gods Kingdom opens with the positive. Lynne 23…Nov 27
If channels open as in Bridge to Freedom, Sides of Head, Spiritual Freeway, etc.
Just look slightly downward with eyes and Essence of God comes with a sleepy vibe.
Must be positive or you will bring negative to you. Warning. Do not open too soon.

… You can flip one Soul to other of your will, in an instant.
Don’t do that to many times in a row. Rocky Road. (That’s why Mind reversal.)
Lynne – Lynda.. 23.. (Now I know why Sai Baba’s pictures were so different).


I will add this to study. Always have to change with the times. More understanding.
Highs and above head reach for BP is towards back top head. FP towards front top head.
I have another opening. The highs for FP to reach above head is front head,
all through upper eyes, side Temples, inside forehead and front half of top head.
In considering K energy is in back for BP, It may be that K will go to front as open.
Only few weeks ago I use to hit the ceiling if reached up front, so went
up through back top head which was opened from being in BP most of life.
But suddenly with right music the front is opening. Lynne… Dec 2023..


*** I opened High Channel of Low Soul through music called,
(Its Autumn Again. The most beautiful melody in the world.
Such a beautiful melody that I cry. By Comfort Zone.)
It is short song, about 1 hour and 8:50 into video of mountains.
They changed it, always.
Now, under same title but at 24 minutes on video with People playing in snow.
In High Soul it was Cindy Lauper, Girls Just Wanta Have Fun.
The mechanics of this is low notes going into very high notes.
Makes you reach up beyond where you are.
May work for you, but you have to find your own if not. Each differs.
Lynne.. 2023.. Reaching the Heights…

Once crown open keep open by at least a 10 min stay daily.


Dec 9 2023..

Backyard Chart.
… With crown opening I am now hooking up with Higher Minds.
They are less than an inch above head for This is Low Soul.
Everything is a bit lower but still in same general place.

Later.. As Baser becomes clearer I realize she has many fears inside.
I have to watch crown does not close again but
as that gains strength with maintaining I will have to cleanse
the lower material levels of Low Soul. After that I should be freed.
Always something to do. That is why we are here, progress.

Dec 15. After 40 years.. Watched movie through third eye area.


The Baser Health.
The levels in the legs are a direct reflection of the Baser person.
I have found the way to correct the baser self.
Since my legs are the one area that has problems, I know it is the health
of the baser person that is effecting me. I now know how to fix and heal Baser.
Flow Happy Joy and 4 basics through total legs.
When all body levels in legs are balanced, relaxed and happy, so is Baser.
Lynne.. Dec 2023..


Dec 20.
I have Shocked Myself Continued
Now the outside has slowed down, I could figure more what is happening.
The outside has the problems and lives in a panic mode but slightly.
She gets rest by closing eyes. Always it has been the inside that had problems.
I Lynda am still inside but I am the calmed relaxed one.
This is another layer of the many layers within us.
In my mind this explains why some people like sleeping their life away
and others would rather run through life in happiness having problems to sleep.
I have always through my spiritual development, enjoyed outward life better.
Now this is strange for me. I will say that it is good the outer is fearful.
For if she was revengeful there would be much troubles in life.
Always an opposite in life. So I can control her by calming her.
We used to reach up for that calming effect. Spirit in Physical effect.
Interesting. Lynda 2023.

Upon reading through past entries above, I think it may be,
I am so in tune with lower baser that this change, is baser taking over?
Would that be progress? It is true that baser has spent life not expressing much.
This may be what it is? Interesting. Sign off as Lynda. Dec 20 2023.


Dec 23.
The Divine Love Switch.
Is activated from, The Dark Side of Moon. (Movie Close Encounters of 70s.)
To get there you must be relaxed and passive with no thought.
Then reach into back aura staying and exploring deeply. (few days)
This opens The Dark Side of Moon. From there you start to feel,
You are following a different drummer. A drummer not as tangible. (not of earth)
Then, deeply relax in mind and body, you start loving everything, regardless.
Like you have fallen in Love but with nothing tangible, yet all tangible.
The Divine Love Switch had been flipped on. Stay connected in back aura.
Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Strength. Lynne.. 2023..

Half hour later, the Divine Love comes from sides head.
This will be the doorway to opening sides of head. Feels natural.
I found sides of head and explored there very early in progress.

Dec 24.

I have gained my life long wish. Divine Love Through God Presence.
Always take what you have gained and put it into central soul. This connects it solid.
Lynne Lynda.. 2023…


New cycle of 35-40 years for me. All will be different.
This is rattling more material self Vs calming more spiritual self.

If you are quiet calm self way on inside with rattling person on outside,
The calming self must try and have several times in a day when
the rattling self is quiet. This gives the calming spiritual self time
to adjust the rattling self’s mind to be calm so calm person has control.
In this scenario the outer rattling will enjoy sitting quietly if it is controlled.
But if rattling self is allowed to habitually rattle, calm self has no control.
So inner calming self must calm outer self to take several time-outs in a day.

If you are calm on outer self This road is bit easier. You have more
ability to calm the rattling self but if rattling self has habit of rattling,
It will overrule calming self in the day. This calm self needs control in mind.
It is an overpowering situation rather than a coxing situation.
Stay in outer person and keep control, but sometimes inner needs to express.
If this is so, the inner must be curbed or it becomes the inner brat child.
I spent most of growing up spiritually in this scenario. Two quite different lives.

The above will change sides to opposite situation. Not sure what regulates this.
Lynda 2023… Calm self, very early morn.

Jan. 2024
… As norm, when wayward self came into outer expressing levels I Lynda went into
inner level. Now that the outer lower self has had its say of a few weeks
it is surrendering to the more controlled self within. But the outer wayward self
is lower of Lynne, as I Lynda am now inner higher levels of physical.
The higher self of spiritual is beyond this. We are working in physical here.
The higher self spiritually comes in almost as a take over or trancing. Higher Minds.
The higher and lower of physical levels are the I want self and the controlled self.
… Whoever you are, you always have a higher and a lower.
This should be very evident to all. I want this and that. No I am content as I am.
Jan 2024.


I have just realized I am working in minds in back aura.
When in high soul, this is the point I stopped reaching up, for as now
I was getting above material living.
Not caring for physical, in getting lost within thought and general beingness.
I need to find a way around this, I guess. I get spiritual Alzheimer, Ha Ha Ha…
Forget to eat for hours for not hungry, Sit for hours at something for
that is what I am interested in. Not connected to the material life or times.
Must care for physical. That is one lesson to be maintained, regardless..
The last change I went through was into mind in back low head of aura, 5-6 inch out.
Lynda Jan 2024.


The ever-flowing Love.
For FP is coming from back head and wraps around face
being felt more along upper forehead and chin areas, but most for FP
at sides of head, making you feel cozy and wrapped up.
For BP it is mostly through total face and forehead,
but deeper flow is mostly over head from back top head making head
bow forward to focus into self.
Lynne 2024..


Speculation only. Hypotheses.

… Could there be another sequence of energies (4) That includes replenishing of energies
including the now known drawing in from higher for more spiritual cheery energy and
drawing in from lower for more material strengthening energy (previous for BP or FP).
Would this include the K energy as a three? If so there should be a forth?..
Why I ask this of the greater knowledge in general, is that I have not
truly discovered the energy I had in BP. There is something missing.
My mind goes to Happy, Joy and as I climb that ladder it tends to be K that’s comparable.
The Kundalini is at back, so where is the 4th??? Is there to be a power house as K,
in the front of physical??? Is this the energy I am searching for???
I will find out! I know that Joy is higher of Happiness. I felt that strongly.
Lynne.. 2024… (Later, The Light?)


The Missing Link.
… Any sequence should come in 4s. This is for levels of self, of Material emotional mental and spiritual.
I have found happiness and the higher Joy in the Low soul, although even the happiness is not completed as of yet. The missing link was the Bliss which unknowingly I have found, and this is why I was prompted to find this sequence at this point. The next above that is the Light, yet in my path. In high soul I did reach all of this sequence.

Happy for more material self, High soul in chest, Low soul in belly.
Joy for emotional self, High soul in upper face, Low soul in mouth nose area.
Bliss for mental self, High soul above head in Backyard. Low soul surface of top head.
The Light for spiritual self, High soul high up in Backyard, Low soul above head 2-3 inches.
… Some of this is speculation but one can feel the essence as they near area.
I have my Path cut out for me in the next few years. And thus it goes.
Lynne 2024.. (Three days later.)

Missing Link could also be:
The High Energy felt when Higher Self comes, is lacking. Higher is standing back at this point. Not Time?


… Found another piece of music taking me above head a half inch, again.
This time in lower levels of Low Soul, emotional and material.
Once you get a channel open well, next cycle is quick and easy to find.
Follow the path you took before, and the way opens quickly for you.
I find that the right music, gives a jump start to open the way.
Once path is open and familiar to you, it stays open if in area.
Lynne 2024…

… Weeks back, upon dealing with wayward self on outside and Lynda as inner self, I find I am in tune with Selves.
If I think and be outer material self, that is wayward self and in front of physical.
If I think and be self in back of physical I am coming from back aura as different vibration. Just as the ones just within physical front and back have different vibrations as if different selves.
Thus the term Selves was given to this section of growth.
Its like the 4 minds of Material, Emotional Mental and spiritual, each became dominant within their corners of head
in Being section, and now they take on a total side of physical. They take on an even stronger personality as well
within the Self structure. In this area was also, higher spiritual self takeover and the start of inner and higher minds which spirit uses when in physical instrument. I only glimpsed through a lot of this for too ethereal for the material person. But this time I may look closer. Before in this area my concentration was more on Higher self or Spiritual self taking over instrument. That is what seemed to be of priority. Why? not sure. But this time the higher although there, is standing back. Nothing stays the same in life. Always different reasons for different situations. Time will tell.
It may be that back those 40 years ago, it was my Higher helping to get this works on paper. A general outline anyways.
Lynne 2024..


Feb 29.

I have had another major breakthrough. The baser person was or felt like
it was trapped in lower levels. I thought that would be normal but no.
Today there came a straining in central back bones. Kundalini???
Still happening but not as strong. Like there is a board
against my spine holding it straight.? The K energy from Baser?
It is opening door to spiritual, for Brat child is into higher levels now,
up to low forehead. It was always in chin. Not sure what?
Lynne 2024… Feb 29. Ha Ha.

*The Baser self or lowest level has gone over Bridge to Freedom.
Living on Dark Side of Moon. (Mar 3 2024..)
… Being in Low Soul Front Polarity, Bridge starts lower between eye area.
Reach over head to central back head, where the Dark Side of Moon channel is.
So the total upper head is vibrating. (In High Soul it is central forehead.)


Mar 4.

Low Soul side energies, are lower along cheek bone and eyes to ears.
High Soul is central forehead above eye brows along to above ears.

Hour later, I believe my goal has been reached. The preliminaries anyway.
When 9-10 I suddenly reached in high soul and was glued in high level.
I felt constantly loved no matter what happened on outside. Nothing could
take me down. For almost a year I was stationary in this high place. Bliss?
I just knew I had to stay in certain areas in self and I was freed.
I believe this is what has happened again but in low soul. It is easy to stay here.
When young it took me several months to open all the ways for the fantastic
energy to flow. And now too, not all the energies are flowing all the time. But
I feel much similarity in where I have landed, and it is easy to stay at. Glued.
I am a free child in heaven. There is nothing to fall down to. I’m in lowest levels.
When young did not know the path and it was the low Soul that thwarted me.
Brought me down into reality again.

… 60 years later… Now in knowing the path, if do fall, can be back in a minute.
Now, if I purposely stopped the flow of energy, yes I would fall to lower levels.
But if I keep Bridge to Freedom and glued to Dark Side of Moon Channel in back aura,
it would be difficult to fall back. Time will tell how long I will remain as this.
I need to get God presence stronger and the Divine Love as well as Oneness.
Then I need to explore further. Always further from where you are.
Backyard and sides head all need exploring by the Baser person if we are
going to take up residence here. All are one, a unit.
Lynne .. 2024..

* Inspiring music called Birds Voices in the Forest Symphony.
Music cures heart disease, relaxes, soothes …
In middle of video about 47:35 – 50. By Comfort Zone. Mar 4. Lynne.
Above also at 17:35 – 20:50. and further.
Brings Joy each side of crown to open more above head and sides head.


Mar 5..

… Even in the highest levels, you still cycle the four levels of material emotional mental and spiritual, but of the level you are on. This is why you have to cleanse the self out. Anything there in any of the 4 levels, will take you down. Like a sore thumb it will trip you up and you will plummet to the level the sore is on. This allows you to cleanse there. Then you would bounce back into higher. Thus it makes it very difficult to remain in the high when there is garbage in your lower levels.
… So when we go to heaven we will still have our 4 levels no matter who we are. That is how we are built. Cleanse now and heaven will be a much happier place. Lynne..
… When in material levels of area you can come down and if you have a sudden upset, yes you will come down. But the longer you stay high the harder it will be to come down. Like any other channel it has to be solid in which takes time.
Also you will need to come down to check if what you go through has registered negative on the low levels. This is where not reacting to situations is vital, but very hard to achieve. When young I stayed above head for months and did have things happen but to my surprise, I did not react. But again takes time to get up a solid barrier. Lynne.. 2024..


Mar 6..
… Where I am, you take rest in Dark Side of Moon channel in back head aura. You do not need to come down for that. This shows you are stationary on the higher levels. I believe it is the Spiritual Freeway that is holding you there. A living from a higher source. Here you do not reach up to be there stronger. You bask more in the Divine Love and Light. It is all around you. It is your choice to partake of more light and love, which both give you a settling feeling. Heaven.
Lynne.. 2024..

Few hours later,
Got into my analytical mind and dislodged myself from the high. But this aloud me to realize it is the Kundalini Energy that got me up to the heights. So it was the K giving the feeling of a board straightening my back. Need to know all angles, for when I need to reconnect. Be on the safe side. Do not leave it to chance. Lynne.
You can and should reach up into the heights through Highs, for it prepares you for what is ahead.
In five I was auto on top again. Be on Dark Side of Moon to stabilize.


Mar 7.
… Twice spent a few hours in very High Dark Side of Moon and Joy of top head. When tired, auto cycled lower into emotional and material levels and found good, but not so good vibes? Key is,
Open Dark Side of Moon and other levels above head, then leave door open and allow goodness to come down as you cycle into material cycle. You need to bring all those fantastic vibes of Heaven down into mental, emotional and material of cycle you are on. If you do not share the wealth of heaven through the 4 levels of that cycle you imbalance the total. So spend time reaching into higher and stronger delight and as you become tired or too high, do not close that door, allow self to descend slowly, to where it wants to go, bringing all the good high vibes down with it. This will help the physical emotional sections of self to become united with the spiritual light above.
Do not partake in negative situations for you will lose sight of the light. If this is impossible you are not in a good place or time and it is advisable to wait till you open higher areas. You must be ready for these openings or there may be problems.
If while in lower levels of your cycle, you get angry etc., Door above could close. Maintain an open door, returning at least once a day and keep your feet clean. Lynne 2024…
***(I spent years avoiding openings for although I knew the way, I was surrounded by deep problems in the low soul. Learn when to play your cards or you will draw lower people from spirit side of life. Not what you would wish. Cleanse Mind Channels first, using the positive you have within.)

Mar 10.
Getting way ahead of self. Super good vibes, best I have ever had, but in above head most. If this happens you must bring it down level by level so every day you are in Joy Love and God. This is why it is important to flow the super good vibes as you climb to top head. Knowing the path has not helped me here. But when find the super vibes, Heal self by putting it into lower levels. Live it daily. Lynne.. 2024..

Mar 13.
… Went very high then dropped. Have not been able to get high securely since. Now Understand. I am working down into Vortex and since in Low Soul, it is lower. So I feel I am in emotional levels in central to low head. Actually it is sides of head opening. I am happy to work here for now. Lots of doors to open.
One is guided by unknown forces through this path. The sooner one lets go, and follows the inner drummer, the more deeper progress is made. Lynne 2024…
Later, (Working with Inner Minds. Feel as if living way inside self. Will most likely cycle the 4 Inner Minds to open through Low Soul. Found in Backyard Chart. Low Soul minds lower in phys.)

Mar 15…
Low Soul Inner Minds need help. May be there for a while. Spiritual and Mental Inner Minds OK.
Emotional in Solar plexus Material in Upper navel areas, clouded. Notation, had stomach problems past week.
Physical often lets you know. Lynne 24…


Mar 18
Today find myself in Central Soul. Not sure Why? Was told it was a completion.
Did not think I completed Inner Minds. This area is not much known to me.
Also I am not having Higher Self overshadow or come through as when young.
That may give much more insight to my physical levels. (Higher stands back.)
I know after being in Oneness for a few months when young,
I was living from Central Soul. Why at that point, not sure?
There is usually a completion. But when young did not take heed.
The path has become vague to me at this point. Too ethereal for physical.
Maybe when I live all aspects at same time, it will come clearer.
Lynne.. 2024.. I have lots to do. First connect to oneness again.

Apr 4
Went into even lower levels and fixed things there. Could not go down further so
am on way up again. Higher self is coming and overshadowing a bit but
no great need to. But it is nice to have company. Things are always better
when your more spiritual self is near. It may be, I am not passive enough yet.
Very used to being my own boss. Too keen with life right now.
Need to be indifferent to all of life’s doings for takeover.


April 6.
… Just had a new thought. Does the god essence or presence or whatever,
come in as higher spiritual self does. Not as talking but overshadowing.
If so you would wait in a high place for the calling as it were.
So if you knew the presence you would know it was that presence that did.
And maybe if you ask that presence it would come true, if to be.
Interesting. But presence is just a force or energy. Lynne.. 2024…

Apr 7.
Higher Self of Low soul comes in from below feet. Into lower chest and through.
Through mind in upper nose area. Lynne – Rita… 2024..


Apr 8.
Higher Self took control of instrument for about 10 min. Not walking yet
but sitting turning and talking. Takes physical adjustment on both persons.
Then said her byes and left. Much faster than in High soul, channels more open.
Lynne.. 2024..


Apr 10. Deep Inner Minds of Core.
4 Basics need to be flowing strongly and well through all levels.
Whether in mental levels of instrument or in Body levels of instrument,
all mind channels and all body channels should flow readily of
4 Basics, including the Love Peace, Harmony and Security energies.
If there is an area that is not balanced with total, hone in and correct.
All should be in balance with the total. I am finding that the
Inner Mind areas of Emotional and Material, of physical levels,
still have problems in Low Soul. These deep inner areas are sneaky,
for do not register readily upon the outer awareness.
For a well rounded instrument all should be in balance.
Topic in Inner Mind Charts. 4 Levels of. Lynne.. 2024…

Apr 11.
In High Soul the Core minds were good. But Low Soul has problems.
This is on energy level so anything bringing you out of deep meditation,
will not help. Also, most music will not help. Blanking of mind will.
This will be the area where yogis, whom meditate for months or years
at a time, will cleanse this out with no problem.
It is on a Soul vibrational level. That may be the link of why these
minds are situated physically in the core of system. Time to dive deep.
Lynne.. 2024.. (Pachelbel cannon 432 HZ. got me deep years ago.)


Apr 12.
So Many things happening. (In regards to Feb 29 above.)
It came upon me again where the baser person was solely in control.
At that time Lynda was the inside self as the baser took over
the outside of that level. It felt like it was the lowest levels
of the material in Low Soul.
Now today, I Lynne was meditating and drifted to where baser was in control.
Then the physical jumped for was jarred. I saw the baser in a capsule
as it broke away from the total by a thin cord. Do we lose pieces of
our unit as areas are completed? Do not understand. Growing Higher?
At this point also, I cannot reach the same vibration of that baser self.
Now, I have had other strange things happen, as in spiritual operations
for my Aura had holes in it. I guess I chalk this up with the rest.
Lynne.. 2024…
Later. Yesterday I did start opening outside of physical in Low Soul.
I wonder if adding the new level did that? Living of physical but beyond.
All new to me. Just a hypothesis. Time will tell. Rollercoaster ride of changes.
This may be the start of another 4. But expanding sideways not front and back.
Knew the side energies from when a kid, but not the spaces? Lynne… 2024..

April 13. Yes, the next stage up is to live in sides of Aura.

April 16. Settling into different phase. Always have connection to a greater world.
Whether oneness or what, a new wider knowing. A communication beyond.
A very relaxing, like all is in order phase. Lynne.. 24.
Analyzing.. Not one with God presence. Do not feel in Oneness, too low.
One with higher self?
Like I Lynne am the low person now and higher self Rita is higher person.
Always two. Still adjusting.

Apr 18.
Even in very high levels, if you allow self to go with neutral or bit negative,
you will slowly gravitate down out of heaven.
Always stay on sunny side of life… Be happy…. Lynne.. 24..

Later 18th… I have been struggling to remain as happy as was
before all the changes. No go unless I go backward to where I was.
That will not do. Then realized all energies, even happiness,
come out top head. I knew that when went high in High Soul.
All channels change coming out crown, unless go into more material levels.
Knowing most of Sai Baba’s pictures, I know why he did not look elated.
He would have been in very high spirit levels. That becomes a problem.
Material people do not see the heights. A different energy.
But with the flip he would be very child like and happy etc.
Conclusion. Need to touch down into more material levels for follower’s.
— (I may be ending this. Anything will not be know, unless
into spirit. I will continue writing but for later… Only confuse.)
Lynne 2024…


Apr 22..
Sides of physical is where one goes next.
I am in God presence and very good vibes.
As with all levels you have to settle in and make all stronger or
the connection is weak and you lose it. I have twice now.
But give me that sunshine and all is aglow. Quickly I go back.
In higher levels as you may know, sparkling things give much inspiration.
I can sense this area is another level entirely and
I will probably work my way down into lower side elevations. All is growth.
Now I have a reason to paint. I can put all the good vibes out and about.
Lynne.. 2024… (Still no Baser. I am alone in instrument at this point.)


Apr. 24th
Again the Mind area way behind me 2 ft. in lower head area is lit up
as I again approach side living today. There is a connection.
There will probably be 4 Mind centers behind physical that will cycle
4 mind of side physical Aura. Always be aware of a 4 cycle with new areas.
All hooks up in the mesh of how we are made.
Be aware and learn of The Kingdom Within. All is structural as the Universes…
Learn beyond the Physical Instrument. I will continue to update the Aura living.
Lynne.. 2024..

May 4.
When living at sides aura, living from you spirit more. Keep reaching back gets better.
Probably because it will be more passive. Feel I am in material levels of that area.
Start all over again but heightened level. More ethereal spiritual. Must practice. 24..

May 5th,
I take last entry back. Stay in front edge of side head. In Vortex like a constant high.
This is what kept me there when young. Now I know. That was why the specific Channel.
Stay in core reaching up to higher, but do not go higher. if you drop away
go back to core. FP is more at front vortex. BP more in back vortex. Stay there.
Is this the end of cycling. A being in the light. Lynne.. 2024..


May 9, I get high into Vortex, then I entertain self with Net and lose it.
Have to stay away from material people till solid in there. Start now.
When a child this is easy but when adult you have responsibilities.
Take a holiday at home. Ha Ha. Stay in upper head core, spiritual levels.
Music to stay there is, 4 hours of sacred choir music for relaxation, by Patrick Lenk.
Yes, this is the key point, the connection that I lost as a child, making me tumble down.
For FP. If resting within be in Back Vortex in top head.
If being outward in thought stay in front Vortex at top head.
This is for all levels. Even if awareness goes to physical, Keep connection to Vortex.
Like you are hanging there on a string. Anywhere between those two points stay put.
I am in low soul. High soul may be above head same area. BP focus will be more to back.
Often poles are reversed. I was FP when a child, so same area except I’m in Low Soul Now.

From here one will work on Oneness and God Presence in earnest.
As a child, these just came to me although did not know it. Now I know and have been.
Lynne.. 2024..

May 11,
Again, you have to have balance. You cannot stay high for many days,
you must balance out high and low soul. Physical and Spiritual.
Not that you go into garbage, No. Once cleansed out all levels become good.
In fact you have a wider range to span as cleansing goes on. More flux.
I will continue with the 12 – 6 and 6 – 12 schedule. Find your rhythm in life.
Lynne 24…


Few months later health problems. This is not found in either side of family for generations. Why me!!!

Dove into dark dismay. depression etc.
When in material levels all shows on material physical.
All the changing I went through recently must have been to get me on material levels. All levels have to be worked through and cleansed. That is life.

Jan 2025. Working through situation. Coming into better vibes.
The initial shock is wearing off.
If this is way I am to die, so be it. Working through.



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