CC. Streamline 3 Advanced… A or B. Most will not understand this…

Streamline Study 3 B.


Spiritual-Digs is likened to the mining for jewels.
Digging out treasure chests from the dark tunnels of self,
to choose, excavate and polish each Gem of growth. Lynne..


Streamline 3 B. University … Count.. A 22. – B 22.

(Altered for End Dec to End Jan ) .. Written from 1980-2024.

If you wish to go to easier stuff follow Fairy-tale for a bit till main page changes.

-In this last section you get into High Minds and knowing Aura Living.
Master all your tools for a major cleansing of Mind and Body.
This prepares you for true University which you have to follow on own.
All have a different path, I have just mapped out the basic route
to prepare you for your future. Good Luck. You will need it.
(God is always on your side.) Lynne .. 2024..


B 1. – True LOVE
Not reliant on anything. Created by God to You.
Low soul the inner love is felt from upper belly to mid chest.
High soul the inner love is felt from throat down to solar plexus. (low chest)
This Inner Love should be strengthened much
to open these areas for the Divine Love to flow forth.
This will help make the division between true Love and material love.
Grow and collect this energy to strengthen for yourself first.
You cannot give something out until you know and have it for yourself.
When known well you can find the path, to give this pure energy to others.
Then it will not be inclined to go anywhere, to mix and dilute with any energy.
Energy can become anything just by going into other energies. Find the direct path.
But the one or many you put this pure energy towards, will also dilute the energy.
If you put it out pure, you reap from that energy. Always your choice.
Lynne.. 2023. 2.

Remember, All is God, Bad or Good.
Its our Ego material persons that feel bad is bad.
It is all for overcoming.
If we had no tough times, we would get Lazy and stale.
Each has their path to walk, regardless if here or there.
Its all in the way we handle things.
More blocks put within by each, means harder path for that individual.
Clean out blocks and path is easier.
We create our lives as centuries go by.
Go with the Light and Purify, then meet Gods Glory.
(Christmas 2021).


B 2. – (4 Basics).
Advanced Mind studies:
Monitor cycles for progress.
… If you wish to go on you need to practice several hours a day.
Without that you cannot monitor and watch what you may be doing
to bypass certain steps because they are too boring,
or cause the ego has found another step more exciting,
or you have to watch that favorite TV show
or that Internet site that was so enthralling yesterday.
… If you are dedicated to your work in gaining spirituality
you will not be interested in any program
or what your food tastes like
or if you have a certain vibe that you appreciate.
These are all ego centered. You must have control of self
and all positive energies. This is where the beginning study
must be accomplished and known.

As you go on into higher levels of spirituality
your main concerns are,
.getting deeper blanks so you can disappear better
allowing the higher self to take more control. or
.getting higher and more detached from the earthly vibrations
so you can be submissive in the God presence.

… These and many others will be accomplished through the
Mind Channel cleansing, for this will clear out most all blocks.
… You have to put the time into this though,
but I have found that most if not all wish a Magic Button.
There is not a Magic Button on the spiritual path,
for you would be tripped-up just by getting lost.
Clear the path to your material domain within,
and you will be spirit living on material levels. (2017-18).. 2.

… That is when you will be truly God’s servant,
spreading its word in earnest.
These will be the greater works you wish to accomplish in life.
That is when you are ready for the higher realms within yourself.
That is also a key showing you that it is time to bring these down
into the more material life.


A 3. – Major Mind and Body channels .
… Now with 4 major mind areas in head of
(Forehead, mouth, back top head and low back head),
these are the mind areas that hook up with the body areas.
Body major areas of:
Spirit, in top head,
Mental in total head area,
Emotional in chest area and
Material in stomach area.
These are the major more physical levels.
When all these areas are familiar and open so you can
go to them at will, then you cycle them for cleansing of Body Channels.

… Be stationary in body area and let mind cycle.
If problem comes up, is it of mind or actual physical origin.
It’s usually of mind but skim through this body structure
to check the body areas.
If you have body problems as lameness etc., dig in to find
area effected. The source can be physical or mental oriented.
Things as allergies are often mind, but could have
physical blocks also. Try to psych it out.
If physical not digesting etc. is source physical or mental?
When in different areas of mind, you can feel them
hook up to physical levels.
Continue to practice and be more aware. (2017-18)..


B 4. – (Short Study). – Chart 1 of Mind channel Study. 2
(Of all mind levels.) High Soul. Advanced.

… In Chart, focus mind awareness through all dots.
When you focus awareness out each point it alters the channel.
If the energy being focused out is positive, peaceful, and happy,
it will change any negative imprint of that pinpoint channel.
When you expand mind cycles to include back head as well
you will be aware and focus through total cycle of head.
The positive energy flow will cleanse the cycles around head.

… Some points will be harder to get into than others.
You will tend to bypass areas that have problems.
So knowing the sequence of channels is a plus.
When you get into an area that is blocked, you will know,
there are channels there but the blocked area will repel you.


B 5. – HAPPY CHILD, Higher Self. (4 Basics).

… There will be times when your outlook on life will be different.
The things you looked at even a few minutes before
will look different to you now.
You will be much happier and loving.
You will feel as a Happy Child.
The physical will feel lighter and more agile.
Your ability to move quickly as a child, will be back.
It’s like a rebirth.

… When this state comes with all its childlike energy,
be there as much as you can.
Try to maintain this state for long periods of time.
This state is the higher energies of your Higher Entity.
This different energy will come down from above head
and be felt strongly in upper chest area.
(Low soul in solar plexus area.)

… You can also feel, as reaching up into the energy above head.
As this energy comes through stronger, it will stay longer
and the Higher Self will start to make its presence known.
At first it will be in short spells starting with a few minutes
and leading to a few days and weeks.
Get to know this higher entity, your spiritual self.
Always be positive for protection.


B 6. – Collage.. – The Future?
… If you know oneness and are in and out at your will. (Live in Aura.).
Is it the lower negative levels that are keeping you tethered to the earth?
Could there be still garbage blocks there? You know what to do.
There are many more layers of mind. Look on Backyard chart.

If you know the higher self, follow its guidance. (Be aware in Aura.)
Does it wish to accomplish things through you?
What does it say. Always follow positive.
Know higher personality well so you know it is truthful.
The Real Thing!
… If questionable find a higher more spiritual self.
Never follow one that seems lower than you or even of your level.
Then you are influenced to travel higher in your endeavors. Progress!

If you have accomplished the above and have explored your backyard,
You have much guidance to carry on with. The key is cleansing.
Then you know where to go and what to do. 2023. Lynne. 2.


B 7. – Add-in. Collage.
(With knowing how to manually go to bridge, you can go back to
negative areas and work with them. Then when run out of time
you go to bridge again, so you do not turn your life into turmoil.
Any vibration you put out dictates what comes to you. (Lynda 2023…)

… This is a big step forward and will become more pronounced
as months go by.
This is the beginning of knowing the lower more material self and
the higher more spiritual self within.

This area can be a rocky road of ups and downs if emotions not conquered.
but Bridge to Freedom is very inviting. … Know this step well. Open aura.

… The more solid the lower ego has a hold of you,
the more rocky your road will be.
It’s the ego fighting back. Be persistent and hold to your goal.
The goal here is to have Intelligence control,
for if you allow ego to control, you will cycle as norm,
down through the levels again.
The road will be harder if lower ego is in charge.
Change your life and take a higher stance.
Let your Intelligence take control.
… Explore and practice till understand this stage.
(It is very important for future progress.)
… 2018 Rita


B 8. – Route
As time goes by you will be drawn from front to,
live in back most of times. (Passive)
… Then drawn to core of physical.
When live in core most of times,
then you will draw to V (vortex in head).
… When vortex opens down to low chest, live in aura.
In aura draw to back head and up into aura,
then live above head most of times.

… It takes time, for its not just an awareness visit.
Your living area and you will live there for days without wavering.
Then you are truly living and cleansing in those areas.
… Anybody can reach way above head,
then way below feet,
then way out front,
then way out back, all within seconds.
That is in awareness only.
If you live there, you are truly there living it daily.
(2011-12). 2.

More Advanced, important points of Study.
1. Blank mind for sleeplessness. Go to back upper head. BP. FP?.
2. For colds use the happy joy energy within chest. (Heal Chest and head).
3. If bombarded by people, go inward blanking into soul areas. (Deep core).
4. For lack of inner energy,
refuel with inner energy of your Pole. Harmony, front or back.
5. For mental tiredness,
refuel or take in energy of Peace or Harmony into chest.

These are just some of the benefits of this Study.


B 9. – Key Info. (4 Basics)
… Find God in the Grandeur of Sight and Sound.
Awe inspiring experiences. Find your own.

What is the center above head? … Below feet?
It is a major Key.
Does above head join up below feet?
What is it?
The Kingdom Within. – Collage..
… Be acquainted with the grandeur of Gods Kingdom
In this way you will come to know your God within.
God created each person, and just as painting a picture,
the painter leaves a part of its presence within that picture.
Know the presence of your Creator within you.
… Know Gods Kingdom on a spiritual level, upon this earth plain.
This will help your progress and
you may catch a glimpse of the God presence. Where?
In the soaring of a bird.
In the height of a mountain.
In the twilight upon the trees.
Among the cloud formations upon the deep blue sky.

… If drained of spirit partake of meditation with eyes closed.
Be in self but not working on self.
Rest! .. relax!
(If you spend much time in computer or other devices, this will be more difficult.)

Allow physical to balance out.
The faster and more often you strive, it imbalances the total.
Allow god to edit you. Use Blanking for this. Passive rest.

… Remember, All is god But god gave you free Will.
Ego’s Will often interferes. Make ego’s Will passive. Rest!
(1990s) 2.


B 10. … Once you grow up spiritually and know the path,
it is up to your higher guidance to lead.
Get rid of garbage for it wishes to lead as well. Your choice.

Next would be higher levels or and lower levels.
When you know the God Presence, that is a major goal reached.
But even so, it is your higher guidance that guides.

God Presence does not give you orders. God is indifferent.
GOD is an Essence, a Presence. A Force. (Felt when in aura.)
It Grants what you deeply wish.
So Be aware, for there is No Right or Wrong in God’s Kingdom.
But … What you give out will come back to YOU. (It is Your Energy.)
Thus … Do Unto all, As you would have All do Unto You.

That may be shocking to some.
… Within my mind, I liken it to a child creating a science experiment.
If you create a world for things to live on.
Once you set up the chain reactions of life, the creation would go on own.
It may take much tinkering but once created it would run smoothly.
Just make sure the battery is working and leave it be.
If in balance, it runs smoothly. If not it falters. Galaxies likewise.
(Our Free Will interferes.)
I do not like this any more, it grows too tall.
Get rid of it, its too weedy. I want a clean looking yard. No leaves.
I am tired of this mess, put in artificial stuff, less work.

Without us humans, earth will correct itself through time and a balance
will come about. Some of the smaller creatures may also live on.
We had many warnings, but are too blinded by the material about us…
Will we have to find another planet of like vibration to complete our learning?
There are many in this huge universe. Lets hope we learn by earth, and not repeat…
All in God’s plan? or disrupted by human Ego??? We took many down with us. (2023…)
Will we put aside our ego and its ways? Is there a chance? What do you think????
Or do we have to have our highest of importance, MONEY!!! Bow and bend!!! 2.


B 11. – Jesus is NOT god.
The highest of angels, the highest of spirits all follow the same God
as You and I.
The ants and the butterflies along with the birds and the beasts
also follow the same God as WE do.
It is just like centuries ago, Humanity thought the Earth was the
center of the Universe. How egotistical. Humanity will grow up some century.
But it may be many centuries from now.
God created this Universe. So all creatures great and small follow God.
To say the one who has recently in time, overcome the planet earth, is God.
Do you realize how ludicrous that is. I am sorry to say that
I have met animals that are more spiritual than many humans.
They are to follow Humans for spiritual guidance. Ha. Grow up!

For our weak and feeble minds and our frail tattered physical instruments,
God is an intelligent force field, Positive and negative, Male and Female.
For our feeble frail minds, this is the best description of God our Creator.
IT, created the Universe we live in and keeps it running
beyond what any of our little minds, can hope to ever understand.
Since the highest of angels and spirits alike, look for help toward this
intelligent force field that surrounds us all, including all creatures
and all planets and stars alike, it is very wise to watch our human egos.
An ant is to follow a human for spiritual guidance.
Talk of the blind leading the blind.
I do not proclaim to know much more than others but I do know Human egos.
( ).. 2024…


B 12. – Advanced… Collage..
Below is first awareness of Beings.
You will come upon this state when your mind channels are
almost completed in general cleansing.
The minds become acute and you stay in one mind area most of time.
Or in one Being.
This as other states becomes very noticeable,
and Each of the 4 mind areas separate more.
They begin to take on almost a different personality.
You can change at will but like mind channels,
there is a sequence that you will follow. Residential or not.


A 13. – Advanced…
Mind levels Chart. (Small channels.)
… Now we will go into where you start to work
within the many small channels of mind.
Below is only an example of an area.
Start on the area you are at.

… At first you cycle about mind channels
going around head a few times just to get used to the terrane.
Then when you are accustomed to cycling
you look more carefully to the small individual channels
especially if you are in a tainted area.
Anything that is there, will not go away till you ‘positize’ it.
… As you work with the small areas you may start to feel,
that you move auto to next small level.
As time goes by, you will become accustomed to going with the auto,
but sometimes you will have to stop and dig in if you stop moving.
If not, you may just skip over that area
cause you are afraid to go there.

… If you do not dig in, there is no point in trotting this way,
cause a tainted channel overlooked, will hold you
to that general cycle till it is cleared up.
This is why one can spend even a lifetime in same area
without much progress.
Anything there will keep pulling you back, like a nagging sore.


B 14. – When into Beings.

Insert for chart above
Home Vibe.
The Home vibe is mentioned somewhere in Study. I will explain.
It has happened a handful of times in my journey but this time
is first time it has happened in Low Soul.
In analyzing it, it’s Peace and Harmony mixed together.
No matter what state I have been in, it comes not of my will.
I realize this time, it involves the side energies as well.
It has usually saturated my awareness for a day or two and has been
an indicator of a major completion, For after the short duration
that I was in this blissful state, usually and not of my will,
I would change into an area that was not blissful. A new area that needed help.
So for the mean time, I feel cozy at home, with no pending activities.
The blissful Home Vibe. Progress. Lynda 2023…


B 15. – (Happy-On).
… As you go on in this meditative way you will wish to 2
not eat when humans say to eat, for you may be in a fantastic vibe
and would not wish to alter that for a while longer.
The spiritual life will become more important to you.
We start to live duel lives (the spiritual and the material)
and there is room for both.
… It is useful in many ways, to keep balanced with life in general.
So for this hour you may go around in a daze(at home obviously),
enjoying the higher life with its beautiful enlightening vibes,
its your choice to maintain that glow for a while.
… Eventually your physical will tell you that you have to eat.
You start cutting corners of the material existence in favor of
the spiritual light. This is why you will see
I stress knowing your nutrition.
… Digestion takes a lower elevation of energy.
You need to be in physical domain to eat and digest food or
it ferments in stomach more often.
… The same with carrying out intricate activities in
the material life, as office work or working with machinery.
I would take jobs that did not need mind power, as in cleaning.
Thus I had ample time to think spiritually and
even progress spiritually as working my daily job.
I found that if I had the vibe of money in my mind I would
find money on floor (and this happened many times).
So if you are figuring to make an advance in spiritual life,
think about changing your life maybe pretty drastically
depending on what you do now.
The choice is yours always. Good luck.

New Gem of Day.
… The Gem of Security is used for solidness, to feel protected inside and out.
If you wish to feel strong, spend 2 minutes to strengthen this
and You will feel a stronger stance in this Secure vibration.
Lynda 2023…


B 16. – The Divine Love Switch. repeat
Is activated from, The Dark Side of Moon. (Movie Close Encounters of 70s.)
To get there you must be relaxed and passive with no thought.
Then reach into back aura staying and exploring deeply. (few days)
This opens The Dark Side of Moon. From there you start to feel,
You are following a different drummer. A drummer not as tangible. (not of earth)
Then, deeply relax in mind and body, you start loving everything, regardless.
Like you have fallen in Love but with nothing tangible, yet all tangible.
The Divine Love Switch had been flipped on. Stay connected in back aura.
Love God with all your Heart, Soul and Strength. Lynne.. 2023 Dec 23.
This Divine Love seems to comes from sides head. Doorway to open sides head?


B 17. – Living Planet. (4 Basics). 2
… When I speak of polarity, it is not just me
or just humans I speak of. Remember,
earth is a living thing as well. It has its north pole
and its south pole, but not only that, it has
what some call Dragon Trails.
These go by various names also known as Lay Lines.
Each Dragon Trail is 10-15 ft. across and is
split into two sections running side by side.
One is North Pole or Back energy, and other
is South Pole or Front energy.
Between all Dragon Trails is neutral energy, that can
have miles between the next Dragon Trail.
… Now this is not a fairy tale I talk of.
To one that is open to energies, it is quite easy
to sense these winding trails found throughout
land upon the earth. In fact, I look upon these as
arteries, like veins not of blood but comparable.
They are spreading the positive-negative energies
around and through our living planet.
… Because this planet has changed polarities twice
in my lifetime, I know it is a Living Planet.
-First change was 1960 which I felt very strongly as a child.
-Second change was 2011, when one drew my attention to that fact.

New Gem of Day.
… Peace is a Gem to be used for skin and bones relaxation.
You will wish to lean back in your chair. Take a deep breath,
then sit back and be in peace for the next 2 minutes.
… Feel peace at front for BP and Back for FP.
It surrounds the physical and relax in contentment.
Lynne (2023)..


B 18. – (4 Basics). – Collage. 2
… Now you just have Beings that will make you feel very different.
Even feeling like a different person.
This will be very pronounced.
Thus, you will know you are living in Beings.

… Then when you have worked with 4 Beings and cleansed out
anything there, next comes the Selves.
These do not live in layers up or down.
These live vertically.
You will only live in front of total instrument
or back of total instrument.
If inward, you will live only in inner front
or inner back of instrument.
This also becomes very pronounced.
This is why I named them differently.
… All changes become pronounced as you open your awareness. (2021).

… Now each of these glow areas can use all 4 minds, right?
That is each of these 4 glow areas can be of
material emotional mental and spiritual influence. Thus
each of these 4 areas has cycles of the 4 minds within them.
So 4X4 is 16 mind channels within head.
So while working in each glow area, Stay till finished cycles.

Later in study you will call these 4 areas Beings.
They are much larger than the small channels of mind.
This will all come together in time. This is just an insight.

… As going through all these energy paths, I did not think or say,
OK I feel a center here, I will call it so and so. NO!

On the contrary, I would spend sometimes months
running into these areas that were obviously
stationary in their positions. (Thanks to my Diary). (2021).


B 19. – Chart , 4 Basics, head to toe 2
… FP 4 Basic Energy cycling (If you are BP it is reversed)

Further 4 basic exploration
… Now to feel these strongly you have to use the set in chest.
The first set we have talked of many times.
Go to each 4 basic in chest and light up chest as you go.
Once all 4 are humming, realize that is the emotional center
of whichever major mind area you are in at this moment.
So keep the mind where it is and go into stomach area.

(If you move your mind you do not work on same area.
You need to have control of where you are in mind
to work on 4 Basics in Body Set.)

… Now focus mind into mouth area strongly.
Where does the body levels become aware to you.
It should be in stomach area. Each major mind of
upper forehead, upper back-head, low back-head and
low face has a set of 4 in Body areas.
More charts later.
(If you are BP the spiritual level of mind is upper back-head.
You must know your polarity.)

The above Chart is for one level. There are as many levels as minds.
Change mind and next level is felt in body Channels.


B 20. – Mind Awareness Chart 2 (4 Basics). 2
..(Blanking and Being title)

… As in chart above, there are 4 mind areas and
4 mind awareness areas.
Be aware and Hum each area to open awareness more.

… As we go on becoming more aware of
the types of energy around us,
… If you have created a Positive energy field around you,
it will attract Positive intelligence to you. (2020).


B 21. – Living in Aura 2. – (Short Study).
… Now, for security reasons you must know your Spirit Self.
This is because, there are many people in spirit
who are not of greatest respect just as there are many here
that will rob you if they see a chance.
It is no different there, than it is here.

We are very vast persons.
… The best way to explain this is, for each time
you came to the earth or for that matter anywhere else,
you perfected a personality. These personalities remain
in distant memory within the spirit.
If one is spiritually open or living as an adept,
they can call on any aspect of self that may be
better at something,
than the dominant aspect.
Thus this is of great value in being a better entity.

… This is why an adept can play a concerto on any instrument,
even if they have never played, or
speak a language they have never uttered.
They allow an aspect who knows well of this venue and Valhalla!
… The higher selves are different aspects of the whole.
Now the true Spiritual Being beyond this,
is more like what a true adept is.
There are many layers of adept hood
and ones as Jesus are high within these layers.

… Thus, Enlightenment is an elusive subject
and can be there or not,
in many varying degrees.
One must watch the path unfold before them
and follow as much as they can.
True Enlightenment then, is sure to be stumbled upon
or just walked into without fully knowing,
until it shows itself to you.
… Lynne-Beth Lynda-Rita (2019).. 2.


B 22. – Front Polarity cont.. (4 basics).

… FP has to keep reaching up into top head.
It is so easy to get a bit down and drop onto nose or chin.
There the negative is.
Top front head is Spiritual.
Top Back head is mental,
lower back head is emotional
and lower front head is material.
That is sequence of FP.

For Back Polarity it is quite different..
… BP Has to keep reaching upward up front face.
As you come up out of the negative reach into top head,
then reach back to back top head and down back head.
Both poles seem to reach up as progressing but
with FP it feels as if coming out front face
because front is active side of expressing.

… BP is normally subdued in back thus it has to make an effort
to express toward front where
the channels are felt and worked with.
FP must work with channels at back when well under way.
That is where the climb to top head is achieved.

FP has the start of mind cycle in front eye area.
If you stay low in face you are in material cycle.
But if you reach up as you should in beginning of this study,
you go into spiritual cycle.
Thus the FP will get a lot of yo-yo from high levels
to low levels. So you see,
the two poles are quite different although at beginning
it seems the same.

… This will explain why some people will stay steadfast
at something while others drift away for are confused.
“Its just not working for me.”
Each polarity has a different route to follow
to get to the same goal of enlightenment.
Most people even teachers, do not know this
and swing with the consequences. (2021). Total entry…


Nov. 24
Higher self is starting to come through the lower soul. Progress.
It is my choice to allow this and it would be a good break for now.
That is, to subside and refuel while higher is resident in physical.
Lynne. 24… Health problems…

Foraging the Higher Path.
… In material life you normally focus out front to world.
As you wish better energy you start drawing away from front material focus,
and you will find more and more you are residing in passive energy so
living from back of phys. There you have a choice of staying to material
or more spiritual life. As you wish more spiritual, you find yourself
focusing from back but from upper back head. You will feel there,
that at times you put out higher vibes to front.
Almost like a different person, but still you.
That is path higher spirit will use. You must open the way
through physical instrument so Higher can use. (1984). In High Soul.

———- 22 Above.


Stay on the bridge of freedom to be
liberated from material emotions
and freed into spiritual plain 😊.

Father God is influence in BP while Mother God is influence in FP.
Find both in Back. If reach high front you will sense your opposite.
Must be high above head and be in ethereal to sense either.



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